
joined 2 years ago

Shameless plug: I am the author.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

Good question!

IMO a good way to help a FOSS maintainer is to actually use the software (esp pre-release) and report bugs instead of working around them. Besides helping the project quality, I'd find it very heart-warming to receive feedback from users; it means people out there are actually not only using the software but care enough for it to take their time, report bugs and test patches.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago


It used to be quite common on mailing lists to categorise/tag threads by using subject prefixes such as "ANN", "HELP", "BUG" and "RESOLVED".

It's just an old habit but I feel my messages/posts lack some clarity if I don't do it πŸ˜…


lemmy-synapse is a light-weight observability and monitoring stack for Lemmy servers.

Using Prometheus and Grafana, it allows the admins to visualise and query the stats of their instance. v1.0.0 comes out of the box with 3 detailed dashboards:

  • Host stats (CPU, RAM, disk, network, ...)
  • PostgreSQL stats (connections, locks, transations, queries, ...)
  • Docker stats (container CPU, RAM, disk, network, OOM signals, ...)

It runs as Docker compose cluster alongside the Lemmy cluster and does not require any changes to it in most cases. Uninstalling lemmy-synapse is as easy as tearing down its cluster and deleting its installation directory.

Got questions/feedback? Pray drop a line:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I didn't like the capitalised names so configured xdg to use all lowercase letters. That's why ~/opt fits in pretty nicely.

You've got a point re ~/.local/opt but I personally like the idea of having the important bits right in my home dir. Here's my layout (which I'm quite used to now after all these years):

$ ls ~


  • bin is just a bunch of symlinks to frequently used apps from opt
  • src is where i keep clones of repos (but I don't do work in src)
  • workspace is a where I do my work on git worktrees (based off src)
[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

Thanks! So much for my reading skills/attention span πŸ˜‚

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Which Debian version is it based on?


Follow up on a previous post: [DISCUSS] Recent momentary outages

I've been working on a simple opt-in solution, primarily for Lemmy end users like me (but also helpful for admins), to easily check the status/health of their favourite instance.


You can find the details of the implementation in lemmy-meter github repo.

❓ @admins: would you be interested in adding your instance to lemmy-meter?

You don't need to do anything except confirming - I'll handle the rest. It should only take a few minutes for your instance to show up in lemmy-meter.

Out of the box it will send only 4 HTTP GET requests per minute to your instance. However that is totally configurable if it sounds too much or too little.

PS: I wasn't sure how to reach out to the admins short of messaging them individually.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Something that I'll definitely keep an eye on. Thanks for sharing!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

RE Go: Others have already mentioned the right way, thought I'd personally prefer ~/opt/go over what was suggested.

RE Perl: To instruct Perl to install to another directory, for example to ~/opt/perl5, put the following lines somewhere in your bash init files.

export PERL5LIB="$HOME/opt/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB:+:${PERL5LIB}}"
export PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"$HOME/opt/perl5\""
export PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=$HOME/opt/perl5"
export PATH="$HOME/opt/perl5/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"

Though you need to re-install the Perl packages you had previously installed.


Follow up on a previous post: [DISCUSS] Recent momentary outages

I've been working on a simple opt-in solution, primarily for Lemmy end users like me (but also helpful for admins), to easily check the status/health of their favourite instance.


You can find the details of the implementation in lemmy-meter github repo.

❓ @admins: would you be interested in adding your instance to lemmy-meter?

You don't need to do anything except confirming - I'll handle the rest. It should only take a few minutes for your instance to show up in lemmy-meter.

Out of the box it will send only 4 HTTP GET requests per minute to your instance. However that is totally configurable if it sounds too much or too little.

PS: I wasn't sure how to reach out to the admins short of messaging them individually.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is fantastic! πŸ‘

I use Perl one-liners for record and text processing a lot and this will be definitely something I will keep coming back to - I've already learned a trick from "Context Matching" (9) πŸ™‚

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That sounds a great starting point!

πŸ—£Thinking out loud here...

Say, if a crate implements the AutomatedContentFlagger interface it would show up on the admin page as an "Automated Filter" and the admin could dis/enable it on demand. That way we can have more filters than CSAM using the same interface.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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A few days DHH (from 37signals) wrote about how they moved off the cloud and how that has helped reduce their costs by a good measure.

Well, earlier today, he announced the first bit of tooling that they used as part of their cloud exit move: Kamal - which is already at version 1.0 and, according to DHH, stable.

I took a quick look at the documentation and it looks to me like an augmented and feature-rich Docker Compose which is, to no surprise, rather opinionated.

I think anyone who's had experience with the simplicity of Docker Swarm compared to K8s would appreciate Kamal's way. Hopefully it will turn out to be more reliable than Swarm though.

I found it quite a pragmatic approach to containerising an application suite with the aim of covering a good portion of a the use-cases and requriements of smaller teams.

PS: I may actually try it out in an ongoing personal project instead of Compose or K8s. If I do, I'll make sure to keep this post, well, posted.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 years ago

That was my case until I discovered that GNU tar has got a pretty decent online manual - it's way better written than the manpage. I rarely forget the options nowadays even though I dont' use tar that frequently.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 years ago (2 children)

This is quite intriguing. But DHH has left so many details out (at least in that post) as pointed out by @[email protected] - it makes it difficult to relate to.

On the other hand, like DHH said, one's mileage may vary: it's, in many ways, a case-by-case analysis that companies should do.

I know many businesses shrink the OPs team and hire less experienced OPs people to save $$$. But just to forward those saved $$$ to cloud providers. I can only assume DDH's team is comprised of a bunch of experienced well-payed OPs people who can pull such feats off.

Nonetheless, looking forward to, hopefully, a follow up post that lays out some more details. Pray share if you come across it πŸ™

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

TBH I use whatever build tool is the better fit for the job, be it Gradle, SBT or Rebar.

But for some (presumably subjective) reason, I like GNU Make quite a lot. And whenever I get the chance I use it - esp since it's somehow ubiquitous nowadays w/ all the Linux containers/VMs everywhere and Homebrew on Mac machines.


cross-posted from:

There are two major flavours of variables in GNU Make: "simple" and "recursive".

While simple variables are quite simple and easy to understand, they can be limiting at times. On the other hand, recursive variables are powerful yet tricky.


There is exactly one rule to recall when using recursive variables...

🧠 The value of a recursive variable is computed every time it is expanded.


From GNU lists earlier today:

We have learned with deep sadness that Thien-Thi Nguyen (ttn) died in October 2022. Thien-Thi was a hacker, artist, writer, and long-time maintainer and contributor to many GNU programs as well as other free software packages. He was the GNU maintainer of the rcs, guile-sdl, alive, and superopt packages, and he was working on GNU Go as well.

Thien-Thi especially loved GNU Emacs, GNU Taler, and GNU Go: he was the author and maintainer of the xpm, gnugo, ascii-art-to-unicode, and hideshow GNU Emacs packages and made substantial contributions to many others such as vc, as well as to GNU Taler and its documentation.

We greatly miss Thien-Thi in the free software community - his death is a great loss to the Free World.


To be fair, here's the complete paragraph which makes sense:

Vagrant public networks are less private than private networks, and the exact meaning actually varies from provider to provider, hence the ambiguous definition. The idea is that while private networks should never allow the general public access to your machine, public networks can.


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Originally discussed on Matrix.

TLDR; Ansible handlers are added to the global namespace.

Suppose you've got a role which defines a handler MyHandler:

- name: MyHandler
  listen: "some-topic"

Each time you import/include your role, a new reference to MyHandler is added to the global namespace.

As a result, when you notify your handler via the topics it listens to (ie notify: "some-topic"), all the references to MyHandler will be executed by Ansible.

If that's not what you want, you should notify the handler by name (ie notify: MyHandler) in which case Ansible will stop searching for other references as soon as it finds the first occurrence of MyHandler. That means MyHandler will be executed only once.


cross-posted from:

Originally discussed on Matrix.

TLDR; Ansible handlers are added to the global namespace.

Suppose you've got a role which defines a handler MyHandler:

- name: MyHandler
  listen: "some-topic"

Each time you import/include your role, a new reference to MyHandler is added to the global namespace.

As a result, when you notify your handler via the topics it listens to (ie notify: "some-topic"), all the references to MyHandler will be executed by Ansible.

If that's not what you want, you should notify the handler by name (ie notify: MyHandler) in which case Ansible will stop searching for other references as soon as it finds the first occurrence of MyHandler. That means MyHandler will be executed only once.


cross-posted from:

A follow up on [DISCUSS] Website to monitor Lemmy servers' performance/availability

I wanted to experiment w/ Lemmy's APIs to, eventually, build a public-facing performance monitoring solution for Lemmy.

It started w/ a couple of shell commands which I found myself repeating. Then I recalled the saying "Don't repeat yourself - make Make make things happen for you!" and, well, stopped typing commands in bash.

Instead I, incrementally, wrote a makefile to do the crud work for me (esp thanks to its declarative style):

TBH there's nothing special about the file. But I thought I'd share this primarily b/c it is a demonstration of the patterns I usually use in my makefiles and I'd love some feedback on those.

Additionally, it's a real world use-case for bmakelib (a library that I maintain 😎 )


I am not the author.

This is a cool little addon to help you tell, at a glance, if the repository you're browsing on github has an open source license license.

Especially relevant nowadays given the trend to convert previously OS repos to non-OS licenses as a business model (eg Akka or Terraform.)

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