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[–] [email protected] 52 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Wow, I’ve never seen someone try to link bidet use to intelligence before. It’s almost impressive.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

I think what they’re implying is that it would not be feasible to seize or remove properties already owned by corporations, and by the time reforms are actually attempted they will own a significant portion of properties, making it extremely difficult to get those already-owned houses in the hands of first time buyers.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

UFO, not that that’s a super relevant question if we’re already admitting that our opinions are “just cause.” I think at that point the better question is “if just cause, why is there such a split in opinions?”

I think the reason GIF is so contentious is that if we can there’s a tendency to make acronyms sound like words if possible. FUBAR and SCUBA are pronounced the way they are because we’re trained from words like tuba to see the UBA and use a long U. Something like “oofo” (or “uh-fo” as you would likely argue) for UFO sounds like half a word, hence pronouncing the letters individually. The thing about GIF is that both pronunciations sound like a word, and so both feel valid enough that there can be a split in opinions. Any arguments one way or the other is just trying to justify a gut feeling about which way is “proper.”

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I started taking Kurzgesagt videos with a grain of salt a while ago, hence the “apparently.” Their explanation just fit NoName’s assertion pretty well. Never bad to make the possibility of being wrong explicit though!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

There was a Kurzgesat video about this a couple weeks ago. Apparently if you don’t spend calories exercising/biking, your body will find other ways to burn it like increasing your immune system activity (which can have poor long-term effects). There’s an adjustment period when you do start exercising where energy is still spent on sedentary things and the actual exercise before the former is reduced to mostly match the latter.

I have also read that regular exercise can lead to an increase of base metabolic rate by ~5% though, which is like an extra 100 calories per day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

What do you call a pirate's finger stuck to the bottom of a sailing ship by a metal rod through the joint? A Barrr-knuckle!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

There would definitely still be people that want the money/authority that comes from a CEO position, they would just be held to a standard. A company is not an organization or the processes that it follows, it is the people that create and carry out those processes. If you separate the responsibility for the company from the people that make up that company you allow mistakes without real consequences for those that had a part in causing it.

Based on what I have heard the last day, the CEO of Crowdstrike created a culture of cutting corners in the organization he is responsible for that led to a reduced focus on QA testing which in turn let this bug slip into the production machines of a significant number of other companies and organizations counting on that not happening. If the responsibility for that mistake lies with something as nebulous as “the company” then the organization may close, but the people that were responsible would be separated from the consequences of their negligence and free to move on to any other company having learned they can do the same things without being harmed personally. That sounds less than ideal.

I think the CEO should have some consequences. Maybe not jail time (although maybe if there were people in medical situations that died because the machines being used to keep them alive were bricked) but a real fine that impacts him personally may prompt a greater drive to organize the company to avoid the issue in the future, or prevent it at future companies.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

There is a difference between stating your thoughts/opinions then people being offended vs saying something that you know is offensive (which the headline indicates is the case) then people being offended. The former may challenge beliefs, while the latter likely lacks that line of thought. You may be mischaracterizing all instances of offense as challenging ideas when some may just be hurtful for the sake of being hurtful.

I'm not sure why you think *all *left-wing people don't care about being called names, or why that would be a trait of left-wing people specifically. It just seems like an overly generalized statement about a group based on your personal experience.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I assume post truck LLVs are excluded for fairness.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

I have things to haul about once every few years when I move. Occasionally if I need to haul something I ask a friend/family with a truck to help me. I think when people complain about these trucks being gas guzzlers it's mainly pointed at the trucks people buy when they don't need them and just want a big vehicle that they don't actually use for hauling. They effectively buy a truck to use as a car, which is dumb. If your work demands hauling big things a truck seems completely necessary. If your hobby involves moving big stuff, like woodworking or my friend that is really into home improvement, it makes sense to have something with hauling space.

I drive an Altima, what I'd classify as a "salesperson" car because it gets decent highway mileage and has enough storage space for personal belongings/luggage for long drives in the trunk and paperwork in the front. Outside of moving I think the biggest things I've needed to move in my car are people, a computer tower, and camping/sports equipment, which can get a little snug but is usually fine.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It's a 3D first person game instead of a 2D isometric, and most of the differences stem from that. More manual building (they added blueprints but I don't know how good they are), infinite resource sources which means setting up a mining outpost is permanent. Much less focus on fighting wildlife, though that is present.

Overall, it's a much more relaxing, slower paced game than Factorio. Both are good at different aspects of the same thing.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

In terms of gameplay I think the Sheikah Slate functions were mirrored on the Wii-U pad (at least that was likely the original intent.

The Wii-U emulator was also a lot more developed when BotW released, so if you pirated it at launch the Wii-U version was the one to go with.

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