I don't have a drummer, but you might be the one to ask about another piece. All of it's in 4/4 except the main riff, which is (I think) 6/8. I really want to do a polyrhythm but I'm not sure how to make it flow with the straight 4/4 stuff. Any ideas?
I was working on a song in 5/4 when I accidentally wrote this chonking big riff in 7/8. Sounds like Soundgarden with a Rammstein touch. I usually don't like 7/8 but this riff has something magical about it.
Wear. Sunscreen.
Oh I forgot the eyeband. Oh well.
This version of Where Did You Sleep Last Night has been on repeat today https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctuyHOym7IY
I'm no artist but I scribbled this out. I think it's recognisable, and I'm happy with that.
I treat Chinese checkers with the same reverence and over-seriousness that chess players have towards chess. I'm not especially good at it, but I really enjoy it.
Underpants go on the inside.
A welcome swallow landed right next to me yesterday. They're usually very skittish and aloof but this one landed on a post about 3 metres from me and stared at me. When I'd had a good look and a little chat, it flew back up to its hiding spot. Not scared or anything, just like "well, I got stuff to do now, human. Catch ya". Very cool little moment.
You have my blessing, child.
crosses self with much pomp and ado
I very seriously considered writing and publishing a book called "Mind Your Own Fucking Business - The Sane Guide To Personal Belief Systems" and aggressively lobbying to have copies of the book in hotels, airplanes etc. It's probably a good thing I don't have enough money to act on my ideas, because it would cause me so much more trouble.
Well, it's just a riff at this point. And my riffs tend to have sections, and I only have one section. Early days. If I make something worth sharing, I'll share.