10 years? The fuck... they're traitors...
Didn't you know trump will stop the genocide....by writing a check so large that Israel completely removes Palestinians from the map... can't have a genocide of Palestinians if there are no more Palestinians.
Check mate libruls
Make sure to get pictures of the prices before and after and then toss them on the products with the new price.
Don't forget who paid for the wall ... I mean Mexico totally was writing the checks...fucking idiots.
Yea millions of voters that might not get a chance to make a change now that the turnip is going to get into power...and add 2 more lifelong theocratic judges to the scotus.....yea that'll teach em....
When you're staring at fascist you don't decide to not pull the trigger when they've got a gun pointed at you. Now was not the time to protest vote.
Well was a guess lol
I think they're implying for safety.... not for an easy way out.
It absolutely was...it was not russia. Russia would have drowned without the lend lease program and the tons and tons of material we sent them.
Trump: "go faster"
Not even constitutional conservatives... it'll be theocratic authoritarians...