
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

I would also like to die on this hill.

Lemmings is dumb. Lamingtons is rad.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Later, the name hashtags, in American English this symbol #️⃣ was ~~always~~ best known as the pound key. It was also known as an Octothorpe.

The first time I learned of its American naming was the classic "pound quake 3 arena" audio clip from the #quake3arena IRC channel.

"Uhhhhhh pound quake 3 arena"
".... What the hell was that?"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's not the first sperm that fertilises an egg... The first who make it put in all the effort breaching the wall and dying of exhaustion before some lazy piece of shit sperm towards the end just waltzes through the hole and does the needful.

Explains a lot tbh

[–] [email protected] 41 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

... And my axe!

Edit: I said the funny line, updoots to the just please

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

How do I opt in for the ball fondling?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I wish the government would be more proactive in encouraging local manufacturing.

You know a great way to ensure a product is free from modern slavery? Produce it locally where nothing is obscured.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I'm actually surprised the robot mowers dont just bump off them to be honest, my Husqvarna 450X is barely an inch off the ground and just bumps in to anything higher than that then spins around and goes in another direction

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I prefer to argue on the internet via my phone, which I can type pretty fast on thanks to the swipe to type

I'm the opposite... I rarely reply when I'm on my phone because swiping and tapping away at the touchscreen keyboard is so slow and inaccurate. I spend more time correcting swypos than I do writing I think.

Meanwhile on the desktop I can punch out a shining example of wit (or at least a spoonerism of that) at 100+ wpm at 100% accuracy.

Sent from my phone, slowly.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Pretty much never. Direct family only really.

Talking is for IRL, or actually urgent things. Everything else is a message or email.

Don't ring me to discuss an email.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

voice call

Yeah, nah

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

It's a black rectangle!

*gasps of admiration*


Callum feels the familiar vibration of his mobile phone. Another text from Sportsbet.


Callum hasn't placed a wager for more than a year. Sportsbet is still trying to lure him back into action with an almost daily stream of text messages.


I actually had the opposite experience to the complains in this article..

I'm not really a gambler, but I did fire up SportsBet for my first ever bet in my life during State of Origin. I put in $50 and lost $10 on Queensland. Then I found the horse bit and selected some random horses and apparently I'd won $100 so I took out my original $50, then threw away the rest on random horses and greyhounds, and Queensland at State of Origin again.

Outcome? Zero dollars lost, and a couple of games worth of funsies thinking I was going to become a tenionaire with my 1.xx odds win.

Sportsbet sent me one SMS, and I replied STOP.

Sportsbet sent me one email, and I hit unsubscribe.

I haven't received any communication since - no sms, no email, no push notifications, no anything.

Not sure I'm fully on board with people claiming its all SportsBets fault they're gambling and being preyed upon IN THIS SPECIFIC WAY.

I do say their constant spam during any sports match of any kind on free to air television is an absolute disgrace though.


What a pair of clowns (ALP and LNP)...

Also I really hate TikTok.

There are currently no rules at either the state or federal level to stop political parties and candidates from using AI-generated material in election campaigns.


In short:

  • Live sheep exports by sea will be phased out over the next four years, after laws banning the trade passed parliament on Monday.
  • Earlier in the day, opponents met with the prime minister to request a Senate inquiry into the legislation.

What's next?

  • WA Premier Roger Cook says he will continue to negotiate for additional support for farmers affected by the laws.

Sky News and other similar conservative whinge rags are already posting the anti-Labor and anti-Greens headline as a response.

Personally I think its great news. Keep the value add in Australia (processing), and remove the cruelty of long ship travel followed by questionable processing practices in other countries.


tl;dr - fuck "reality" tv

In the reality TV production process, after the casting of villains and the baiting for villainous behaviour, comes the editing.

It's in the post-production suite that a villain edit can truly come to life.


The editor says there are a few techniques to achieve these characterisations. The simplest one is being selective in what gets included.


The second technique editors use is amplification — finding a moment amongst what the editor calls the "boring crap" that can be boosted into a storyline.

In the show, it's spun as a major conflict.


And then, the drama is further enhanced with a technique called "frankenbiting".

Like Frankenstein creating his monster, editors will mix together unrelated elements from the footage to make their own beast.


When the show finally goes to air, the final phase of a villain edit begins: controlling the narrative.

Now, program makers try to ensure that no narratives that contradict the edit make it into the media.

"They would remind me in a very threatening way before every single media interview that I had signed a [non-disclosure agreement]," Olivia says.

This becomes a problem for Olivia, because when the show goes to air, the backlash is swift.


Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

tl;dr - no


Broader adoption of keeping cats safe at home would have large benefits for cat welfare, human health, local wildlife and even the economy. So, should cat owners be required to keep their pets contained to their property?

The answer to the question is obviously "yes".


I've had YouTube Music since it was Google Music, but the price has recently doubled and at the same time I've started noticing my "Radio" keeps playing the same dozen songs over and over again. Started to feel like I was listening to Triple M.

Yesterday was the final straw as every song played on repeat until you manually skipped which is just... wtf? How does that even happen?

I have jumped on to Spotify for the minute, but find it is too heavily focused on "pop" music - it seems to choose songs that are broadly more popular, but aren't really the same as what I'm choosing to play. I somehow always end up back with top 50 chart artists in the queue, even if I started on like bluegrass or hillbilly or something. Also if I select a song or artist and choose "Radio", it always the same 50 songs and then just stops which doesn't seem like what "Radio" should be at all.

What other options are there that are accessible from Australia, and preferably have a decent amount of Australian local content? I have zero interests in podcasts being jammed in, I just want music. And preferably music that I can just say "play stuff that sounds like this" and it'll go on a deep dive to focus on things I haven't heard before.


  • No ads
  • Able to actually choose the music and skip and what not, so not Sirius or similar
  • Good catalogue of Australian artists
  • Android and Desktop clients
  • "Family" plan or similar for 2 people

Budget not really an issue.


Qantas is investigating reports of customers having access to other passengers' information on their app.

In a statement issued this morning, the airline said it would provide more information as soon as possible.

"Qantas is investigating reports of an issue impacting the Qantas app this morning," a spokesperson for their airline said.

The scale of the issue has not yet been confirmed.

Luckily I can't afford to travel anywhere so this won't affect me, but probably will others.


The report found a key cause of the outage was a problem with Optus's 3G network.

During the outage, Optus's 4G and 5G towers shut down, meaning emergency calls were diverted to other network's towers — known as camping on.

But the network's 3G base towers did not shut down, so those calls got lost along the way.

"Some devices … attempted to make emergency calls via those [3G] towers (rather than look to camp on to another network), even though no mobile service was being supplied by the Optus network," the report said.


The recommendations include:

  • Obligate telcos to shut down their towers during outages, allowing triple-0 calls to be carried by other networks
  • Establish a "Triple Zero custodian" whose sole responsible is to make sure the system is working
  • Force telcos to share real-time information about outages with emergency services organisations and authorities
  • Force telcos to file a timely post-mortem on major outages to the regulator and the government — including what caused it and steps being taken to resolve it, with a clear and detailed timeline
  • Review the government's contract with Telstra to run the triple-0 system, with any changes to be made within a year
  • Introduce an industry-wide approach to responding to consumers affected by large-scale outages
  • Establish an agreement between telcos requiring them to help each to manage and resolve outages
  • Review all legislation and regulation relating to triple-0

Feels bad man


A man is in custody after at least four people were injured in an alleged stabbing incident at a church in Sydney's south-west on Monday night.


In short? Authorities say Molly the magpie will be returned to its original carers on the condition they make no commercial gain from the bird.

The couple, who have had the bird for four years, run a popular Instagram account and have signed a book deal.

What's next? The environment department will work with the couple to ensure the magpie is properly cared for.


The department said in a statement that independent expert veterinary advice had shown that Molly was highly habituated and may have developmental issues, meaning he can never be rehabilitated or returned to the wild.

Good news they've put the condition on in this particular instance, but you can guarantee other Instatockers who want their five minutes of fame will be out there collecting whatever they can get their selfish mitts on to try and be the next big thing.

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