Darkest Brandon should have Trump [redacted]
Not sure where your getting the idea that you can't defend yourself from the threat of harm or realistic perception of that threat. You absolutely can.
Heck even if the perception isn't reasonable you still can. Your case is just much harder to defend.
If someone is just an ass and says YBMC to you that's probably not legit, but context matters too. If it's said in a threatening matter, that's a threat plain and simple.
As always flight should be the primary response but fighting off you can't run would be fine.
I'm the end, if you have to defend your life, then do so. Worry about the legality after. Don't let someone hurt you because the Internet said the law isn't on your side. Don't get hurt cus the cops aren't on your side, the cops are never on your side.
In before the people that get irrationally angry about the censored word.
Make a torrent, best backup.
Vivid life long dreams like this are my every night. I have friends, family, relationships that last years. Full lifetimes. And then gone. I have such vivid memories of these lives I sometimes have to double check with my SO, family and friends if a particular memory is real or not.
It's wonderful but also insanely painful...
Barefoot gang would like a word.
I yell at any co worker about exactly this. We even deal with the public and they use terms and jargon no one will understand it leads to mistakes.
It's just weird gatekeeping.
Oddly enough multiple classes I took at uni even covered communicating with simple terms, being understandable, and not using jargon. Yet here we are still...
I misdispronounciate words as a hobby.
If it didn't have an official demo, I "acquired" it before I bought it.
I don't buy games unless I know it will be something I like.
I am Peb the Girl. A cleric of minor renown. These are my traveling companions:
People always sleeping on trip
What are ads?
I haven't had an ad in my house or on my devices in like 15years. I block all ads.
When I go elsewhere or out and see an ad I literally get confused for a second before I remember people still let them play.
Don't suffer through ads friend.