the wife left him years ago lol....
I don't think you have to resort to that to see the comparison is specious.
uhh comparing the japanese american internment (a horrible crime where thousands lost their houses/businesses and were detained for 5 years) to the holocaust seems.... a bit short sighted and hyperbolic. We didn't gas the japanese. we didn't pry gold out of their teeth. we didn't stack their corpses.
it's still a hideous crime, but you're comparison is misguided.
at least a home lab can do things. people who's entire social life and personality are dedicated to internal combustion bullshit are depressing. vrroooom vroom vroooooom is not a replacement for actually having a life.
I love the self identifying vrooom vrooooooom downvotes rofls. you guys need to find a better hobby.
only 12%
I have a hell of a lot of respect for people who are forthright and just say "You know, I don't have a lot of experience regarding , so I don't think I can weigh in on that"
it amazes me how seldom people are brave enough to admit they don't know something.
in 2023, they never put out all the wildfires in canada. many smouldered until the next season where they just fired right back up.
remember the totally innocent time the people managing the contest had a visit with Bill Clinton on the fucking tarmac? yeah, DNC, message received, you don't even care about how bad that looks...
why I think TikTok keeps giving me Maple Maga bullshit
I mean... it shows the garbage to you, and you keep coming back..... maybe it's time to ditch tictack
cop is genuinely worried about the guy drowning... guy has warrants/is wanted and doesn't want the cop to see his face. otherwise known as a Guatemalan standoff.
eh, USAA has been stellar for me for 3 decades. A gaggle of call center employees going bad (and getting caught) is hardly wells fargo levels of garbage for example.
god I hope they play it straight. like, keep it batshit insane infowars for a while, keep the audience comfy
then slowly introduce sanity over time. please.