Changes in your body change your dreams — illnesses can induce nightmares, or stop you from dreaming all together — we don’t understand how dreaming works mostly, but we do understand that basically any physical change can induce changes in dreaming.
I know someone who deliberately misanlysed data in a study that led to an entire patient group getting denied disability benefits because his study showed the condition is “curable” (it isn’t). (His study was funded by the government department paying disability benefits and private disability insurances, of course).
Did he get what he deserved? No, he got knighted by the Queen, is serving on the board of the NHS, and is an insider with the ruling class.
Could we make these fines proportional to the income?
They look 12
Yep. It’s full of resources for people with the same illness as me.
Can we not share amp links which have built in trackers?
Yes, they fear China will turn them into “communists”.
If only they realise how close their beloved AFD and the CCP is ideologically.
What AI model did you use?
And was intimidated so bad by the legal system he killed himself.
In my books, all those things make you cool.
Truly a shit post. Congrats