If i was in that position I would try to make a nice dinner and if i would give a gift it would be something unexpected and unconventional. Last gift i gave was a handful of whole walnuts(we both dont have a nutcracker). You could do the "forgot this one thing" but start with something cheap and unexpected, something what makes her laugh and also think "why the hell would give this to me"
If you want to marry you could do the same but start with a particularly nice looking pebble
In order to cat you must cat
You know people are allowed to have opinions
Here most close at about 22-00 but some are open 24/7
I just use my tv as a big monitor, no way i would ever give my tv internet access
Well top 2/3 i would say, if we call everyone facist the word kinda loses all of it's meaning
Its called war thunder
Reminds me of when someone left a leaf-blowing simulator a review "can't sex the leaves" and it caused the dev to make a sex update to a leaf blowing simulator
Literally me but with pico de gallo