supposed "civilians"
Children? Seriously?
supposed "civilians"
Children? Seriously?
What excuses are you referring to?
Are you also arguing that if a problem isn't in your immediate periphery then it doesn't exist? We are all human beings, living on the same planet.
There's nothing wrong with feeling a modicum of empathy for those less fortunate by circumstance of geography or socioeconomic influence.
Even more simply:
Government: closes their curtains in the evening.
I had a similar reaction to this post title. Firstly, don't give up. That's the most important thing.
If you haven't already, I'd highly recommend seeking out psychological treatment. Your attitude is not necessarily novel but a strong indicator that it may be helpful.
If you don't "click" with the first person you see, don't be afraid to find another.
I'd probably turn off the power first especially if I didn't already know what was behind it and whether it is properly grounded.
i had no understanding wut I was really saying or doing (sic)
They're not more effective. They might assist with speed of absorption but that's it.
Never trust the network in any circumstance. If you start from that basis then life becomes easier.
Google has a good approach to this:
I'd like to add a tangential rant about companies still using shit like IP AllowLists and VPNs. They're just implementing eggshell security.
I actually disagree. I only know a little of Crowdstrike internals but they're a company that is trying to do the whole DevOps/agile bullshit the right way. Unfortunately they've undermined the practice for the rest of us working for dinosaurs trying to catch up.
Crowdstrike's problem wasn't a quality escape; that'll always happen eventually. Their problem was with their rollout processes.
There shouldn't have been a circumstance where the same code got delivered worldwide in the course of a day. If you were sane you'd canary it at first and exponentially increase rollout from thereon. Any initial error should have meant a halt in further deployments.
Canary isn't the only way to solve it, by the way. Just an easy fix in this case.
Unfortunately what is likely to happen is that they'll find the poor engineer that made the commit that led to this and fire them as a scapegoat, instead of inspecting the culture and processes that allowed it to happen and fixing those.
People fuck up and make mistakes. If you don't expect that in your business you're doing it wrong. This is not to say you shouldn't trust people; if they work at your company you should assume they are competent and have good intent. The guard rails are there to prevent mistakes, not bad/incompetent actors. It just so happens they often catch the latter.