Personally if its something i cant block ads on i simply dont watch. Something that can be kinda hard to block ads on for example is which i used to never use until i realized i could use an alternate player and not get ads. And for tv and movies i pirate everything.
Of course? How are u blaming a kid for not having a costume? Most of them are probably poor and their parents didnt get them one. And even if the kid didnt want to you gotta think why wouldnt they want to? Is it because that child is "lame" or is it because that child hasnt been given an opportunity to feel comfortable expressing themselves?
My issue is most are human. So id need to find one that is an animal. I cant do Jesus either cuz i cant eat gluten. Unless he is gluten free bread? idk
Break what 4th wall? how is asking people if they think theyre smart 4th wall breaking? Breaking the 4th wall is used to refer to a fictional character that recognizes they are fictional. The 4th wall being the perspective of the viewer of said fictional content since in visual media you have a "stage" where you are looking at the scene from one side and in a typical room set youll have 3 visible walls and the imaginary wall in the direction of the camera thats actually not there.
Im really curious what you thought it meant tho cuz it doesn't seem like you meant the above definition.
depends. If i somehow had money id spend it in a walkable beachside town. If i had the same finances as now id sit at home and relax cuz thats free lol.
Many services will reject a VOIP number anyway. I know from experience. Its also been a lot harder to get one recently without already having a phone number.
Treats. Find something u like. Could be candy, could be a game, whatever. Use it to reward yourself when you do the thing you need to do. Even better if u can do it small. Like if doing homework for each question you finish you get a pistachio for example.
The neutrality is the issue a lot of these responses have imo. People are too complacent. Standing up for yourself and being direct is not a bad thing.
Years and years of trying to be nice to people and them just using it against you, and treating you like shit is how you become comfortable being direct, and no nonsense.
Also remember not to worry too much about what that person is gonna do. In most cases even a manager cant even do all that much to you in retaliation, and if they do you have a case to take to HR. Don't just accept that you are a victim.
I think a direct approach is best and not caring if the person gets offended but also not trying to offend them. Something like "Sorry i don't feel comfortable with you asking about my personal life can we keep the conversation professional?"
Then if they dont accept that, and keep at it is when youd go to HR.
Uneventful. I dont pursue it tho. I really dont see a need for a relationship. Like ive never met anyone who i thought a relationship with them would make my life better than being single. If i ever did meet someone who i thought that about id go for it, but idk if they exist. I find other people are best in small doses.
Habitats are risky and not as good as planets imo. It would be trivially simply to sabotage one and kill everyone inside. Just vent atmo into space, poison the air/water, and even a accidental fire could kill everyone who doesnt manage to flee.. Planets not so easy. Some of the same attacks work but u can just walk elsewhere.
plus in a habitat your not really thinking of psychological effects. Its been shown for example that humans needs to see big bodies of water regularly to not get stressed out. So youd need to devote significant space onboard to just that. Plus imagine never seeing the mountains again, or a sunset, or the ocean. The earth is intrinsically linked to our evolution and many of its features are far too big to have on a habitat. I mean not to mention all the microbiomes we interact with unknowingly on earth all the time.
While habitats might be an ok solution for some people there are definitely things we will always need a planet for and imo a planet will always be superior in quality of life.