Does BMX count? If not, I'm going for a Sabre, preferrably in green colour.
Was zum Fick???? Merke: Ab sofort nur noch mit Pfefferspray, Gaspistole und Kubotan auf der Insel herum spazieren. Zumindest würde ich das jeder anderen Frau empfehlen.
Well, a little, but it also makes me realise I should only surround myself with decent people and cut contact with anyone awful.
I hope all goes well for you. Stay safe and we'll be waiting patiently for your return. Take care. :)
No. It's alright to tell people it didn't click for you in a polite manner. Ghosting is for cowards and rude people.
I'd say VOY, ENT, TNG, DS9 & SNW, but keep in mind I'm a bit anti mainstream in terms of Trek recommendations.
A dear friend of mine, singer and ballet dancer for a band I always loved, one day collapsed on stage. Turns out he had a massive brain tumor. He retired from music and is now gardening a lot. None of us - even his family - expected him to survive.
He's living a very peaceful life these days and I love that for him. Needless to say his garden is to die for.
Deal! Die Hand drauf.
Ich habe nun sehr lange nachgedacht und bin zu folgendem Entschluss gekommen:
Friedrich Merz darf das meinetwegen gerne so tun unter der Voraussetzung, dass er für den Rest seines Lebens nur noch mit einer Papiertüte über dem Kopf herum läuft. Wie der hässliche Bob in South Park.
A Freakazoid / Trek crossover meme? Hats off, I salute you!