It is called a stable bank balance for a reason... Cause the money will eventually end up in the stable with the horses.
Still wouldn't trade it for something else.
It is called a stable bank balance for a reason... Cause the money will eventually end up in the stable with the horses.
Still wouldn't trade it for something else.
Die FAZ als seriös darzustellen halte ich für zweifelhaft. Die meisten Medien Konzerne sind weder besonders seriös noch besonders gut. Egal ob links oder rechts angesiedelt.
Nicht so konservativ... 6° oder gar nichts. Nachher meint die Bevölkerung noch das wir DiE gRüNeN sind und das geht ja gar nicht!
Well... Great that I don't need to worry about it but I still need to worry about it for my horses. So believe it or not. I would still work to afford that.
Apparently management positions. The amount of people in such positions that are full of themselves and are hitting terribad descicions at the same time, all the time, never to improve on that. Is terribly high.
Yeah sure, let's not involve the construction department of the company with that big move you are "planning" for half a year now. Also only realize you need tons of work done before you can even start that move a month ahead of the due date. Then do a terrible job of getting that sorted. And only have the most basic of time plans for the actual move ready a couple days before they are supposed to happen. Make that time window awfully short because you also need those machines to produce again because you failed to plan extra production to create a buffer for intermediate products. Then go ahead and slash that awfully short time plan on the first day because surprise, surprise... You don't have a buffer of intermediate products and you really need those machines up and running again so that you can push actual finished products out the door. Also hope for the best which is that the machines just start up and run again... Yes as if that ever worked with complicated machines that are also old now and could just fail completely just from getting moved.
Grade A plan...
More news at midnight.
Yeah no shit! That was clearly and visibly going on from very early on...
All those dang tiny time wasters that happen every day. Needing to eat and drink... That kind of stuff. Can't stop because I obviously enjoy being healthy.
Basically... A lot! Just to have what effectively amounts to a painkiller. Now don't get me wrong, those are great but you know what's better? Solving the issue that causes you pain to begin with.
Na hoffentlich geht der Schuss nicht nach hinten los...
Das müssen diese einzelfälle sein von denen alle immer reden...
Doppelte? Du meinst vier oder sechsfache. Die Mehrkosten tragen selbstverständlich die bürger. Die wollen ja teuren Atom Strom von unsicheren und veralteten Kraftwerken die allesamt erst sehr teuer wieder in einen betriebsfähigen Zustand gebracht werden müssen oder noch viel teurer neu gebaut werden müssen. Endlagerung ist uns ja auch egal, das ist ein Problem für die Zukunft wenn wir tot sind.
Irgendwie so denken die.
All of this is IMHO so keep that in mind.
Politically it's pretty extremist from what I can tell. Not just that but support for that extreme political stance is also rather high. Neithe of which is a good thing in my book. Other news I get to know about also tend to paint a pretty grim picture when it comes to human rights, rich/ poor divide and acceptance of people who have different preferences. I also mostly remember having met people how you described in the opening.
To say how it is, my opinion is not exactly good. Primarily because of how they act a d their political choices. Though I chalk some of that up to a lack of education. And it's also not so bad that I'd rather not deal with them. Just that I have a healthy dose of " oh no, not one of those guys again. This will get exhausting, isn't it" whenever I see someone that fits the description.