
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Democrats are kind of the canonical out-group.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Proposed reform measure: Just like teachers have to buy classroom supplies out-of-pocket, have police officers buy their own ammo.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (3 children)

For a seriously in-depth dive, Some More News has an episode called Why Is Conservative Comedy So... Not Very Good? The video even has a whole section about The Babylon Bee. The TL;DW is that real comedy is about the comedy, while conservative "comedy" is all about attacking out-groups. (There's another section with examples of conservative comedians who don't do this, and are funny.)

Like in this example, I read the headline, wrinkled my brow, and thought, "Huh?" Then a few seconds later, I remembered that there was some rumbling in the news a while back about how Harris hadn't done a media interview at the time, and it must be referring to that? That makes sense as an attack, and I guess that's "funny" to an audience that just wants to see attacks on the out-group, but it's not humorous. (I mean, she's done a couple of interviews now, so it comes across as try-hard.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

As far as I can tell the incrementalist argument goes like this:

  1. The two-party system is destroying the country.
  2. But one of the two parties will destroy democracy imminently, so we have to vote for the lesser evil this time, and then,
  3. ...
[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago

Indeed, in the boating world, the words are "stand-on" or "burdened" vessel, which makes it clear that the vessel that should continue its course has the obligation to do so under the collision regulations. The "give way" vessel should alter its course or intentions to "keep clear." Nobody — nobody! — has the "right of way."

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

I believe that the OP means the Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988, which effectively bans kei trucks from import into the U.S. because they're not manufactured to the Act's standards.

Or, perhaps the Chicken Tax, a 25% tariff imposed on the import of light trucks in 1964 as part of trade dispute with Europe. It's still in effect, shielding American manufacturers from competition from smaller, lighter trucks.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Nah, like 50% of it is just telling people to restart their computers.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Just a random thought on this topic: Putin originally claimed (and his Western partisans still do) that the offensive in Ukraine was about countering NATO aggression. It's resulted in attacks on Moscow itself, occupation of Russian territory, and now, modern NATO weapons being used inside Russia. He's still in a fairly advantageous position militarily right. He could easily, I think, ask for and win strong restraints on NATO in a peace negotiation. But it never was actually about that, now was it?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Tell me it’s 68f out and I will fight you.

Note to self: High heat levels make Canadians cranky.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Around here, 32°F is very cold in October, but an occasion to wear shorts in February. (Both are still cookout temperatures, though.)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No, that's not it, we're measuring in incredulity units, which are syllables.

"One hun-dred and se-ven?!" == 6 syllables

"For-ty one?!" == 3 syllables

Also, the first one has more vowel sounds to really draw out to indicate higher levels of I-can't-even. It sounds only golly-jeepers in Celsius, and much more I'm-so-done-with-this-shit in Fahrenheit.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Salt is a preservative, so salted butter will last quite a lot longer when unrefrigerated.


Kelly: Is there a downside? I'm thinking of people trying to find a parking place, for starters.

Horowitz: So we see that in places that have actually eliminated parking minimums, that we see fewer people driving at all and having cars and we see vehicle miles traveled decrease because people can get around via other mechanisms.

Well, now, would you look at that?! If we change the incentives, if we stop incentivizing driving by law, people change their behavior. In this case, they can save a ton of money by not needing a car.


Madison, WI's Honor Among Thieves, live at The Harmony Bar and Grill. Recorded by Steve Gotcher for the 105.5 radio show "Mad City Live" Halloween 1997. Some of the tunes were on the band's 1998 album, "Primordial Soup du Jour", but not this wild and crazy one.


Yeah, basically that. I'm back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It's not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I've encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?

ETA: I've learned from reading the responses that the Windows troubleshooters primarily look for missing or broken drivers, and sometimes fix things just by restarting a service, so they're useful if you have troublesome hardware.

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