Bro, you are as dumb as a Brick. Ma boii gave you a scientific explanation why this is a false correlation. Don't bother answering. I don't talk to bricks and pricks. And you are both.
me want
Bro he is on crack & opium. Also known als copium 😂 He doesn't even now what his Point was to begin with 😂
Das kannst du gar nicht beweisen, du kleiner Hosenscheißer!
Nö find die trotzdem doof
Die Bezahlwand hält mich auf
5 - 10 min. Germany
He is bald at 2D Platformers and does funny coding stuff with his Chat and/or AI
Papa Meat
Hunter Hanckock (Meatcanyon). He can control fire and does lots of IRL Videos about strange/funny/gross Topics.
YouTube's worst Blacksmith makes dangerous Inventions, and videos about Australian Animals now and then.
Otherwise, he tries to do nothing wrong by not doing anything at all (ok, he does the day-to-day business, but no inspiring long-term goals or other leadership things).
The sad thing is that the Government is actual quite busy. They done alot but Scholz won't talk or do anything .__.
Everyone who says he's not the best President ever will be shot.
I mean, what do you think? He announced that. Apparently this is what the US-Citizens want.