Atmospheric shot of Whitby Abbey I took on my honeymoon
What's brown and sticky?
A stick
Led me to this wonderful list
When I was about 4, I was jumping on the sofa, back and forth from one arm to the other (because the middle was lava, obviously)
Misjudged it and ended up going headfirst off the end into a china cabinet next to it, glass doors and all - I ended up missing the first month of school, 32 stitches and basically half a Glasgow smile to show for it, I'm told it looks very cool
NGL I kinda forgot about rugby, fair point
Europeans: call a game where you kick ball with foot "football"
Americans: call a game where you throw ball with hands "football"
One of these makes more sense to me... :p
When I started this company, I had only two things - a dream, and six million pounds
Mountains? More like NOTHINGS
Such a threatening energy, I love it