Nice seing some French systems in use!
Infinite life when you are born.
Just do it every day, and i a couple of months you'll get an itch if you are not doing it :-)
Great for listening in on boring meetings too if you have to.
OMG I'm an idiot. Thank you!
Now try to buy $1 with 91 rubles.
I heard the dollar went for around 200 rubles on the black market...
Would Universal Basic Income take power away from you?
Like you personally?
Or is UBI meaning something else too?
Many are populist parties, with the feeling that fascism is just waiting behind a hidden corner.
What was the countries if you don't mind?
I moved from Sweden to France and that started out with a girl friend asking me out of the blue if I wanted to do a (studying) year in France? Sure why not?
With the exception when someone starts out a new sport or even manual work, like yep you're a bit achy now, good on you because that's the feeling of laziness escaping!
The thing is that Russia isn't on track of winning the war, at all, so fighting for 2-3 years more will just be bad for Ukraine but not detrimental to their survival.
It will for Russia though and that is if it isn't already too late for them.
Kettle bell swings are fun and good for this too!
This is incredible!
American sites like this so rarely ship to France, or it costs a litteral fortune just in shipping, here it's 130€ for a 12TB shipping included!
I Do Not Need A 12TB Hard drive.
I Do Not Need a 12 TB Hard drive!
I mean or do I?
Thanks 💖