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I'm running Docker on a Linux Mint installation, and I'm able to use mlmym to view various Lemmy instances, but I can't login to my Lemmy account using mlmym. I've entered my credentials, but then it just takes me back to the homepage without logging me in. What am I missing?


So I'm at the start of the game, part when some guards catch Bayek and his son and game crashes, I'm on windows 11 and these are my specs: Intel i5 3470, rx 470 4gb and 8gb ram, I'm pretty sure my pc is good enough for this game since I played it at very high settings and aboht 45 fps average. If someone had same problem please help because I really love this game


I have an old hp pavilion dv6 and I installed windows 7. Then i tried installing Ubuntu 24.04 and the USB wouldn't boot, it just showed "GRUB" in the top left of the screen. I tried with another USB and the same issue emerged. Is this a BIOS issue?


Hi all,

I bought a Sinclair ZX81 on a garage sale some days ago for around 12 USD as a non-tested item as the guy said he had no wires to even try and run it. I have a couple of RF cable kicking about from my Atari 2600 and ZX Spectrum, so I have this basis covered.

According to the manual LINK it takes 9V 700mA unregulated (I'm not sure what it means) 3.7mm jack power supply. I have a 9V DC 1A jack power supply I bought for the Atari (it's not an original one - a unbranded one) and I tried to use it, but to no success. Manual tuning my TV same as with Spectrum and Atari, and no signal.

I was wondering if maybe the power supply is not up to spec? I was thinking that maybe 1mA is too much to power it up? But I went online to look for an unbranded ZX81 power supply and they are running 2A so I'm not sure what's going on here.

Is it busted? Or should I get one of those unbranded power supplies that say they are made for ZX81 to test it?

Thanks :)


Like the title says, I’ve got yesterday an email with a code to access my Microsoft account and that made me suspicious because I wasn’t trying to login to my account. When I looked at the login attempts I saw that someone else was trying to access my account, I changed my password, activated TFA. Thinking of going through and buying a physical key like yubico to further secure my account. Any tips are appreciated.


I think some banks utilize some feature built in PDF Readers to PREVENT printing of "SENSITIVE" information in a PDF, by blocking parts with black bars.

The issue does not appear when printing using other software, like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Edge, to print the PDF. But it DOES occur with Firefox and Chrome. So it's not a driver issue.

Is this a form of DRM? I want to know how it works whatever is causing it, and be able to REMOVE it from the PDF itself completely.

Why does Firefox obey this "DRM" crap, while Edge has the balls to ignore it?

And to make things even more complicated, I am able to print the PDF fine on another computer, using the exact same OS, browser, and printer. So it appears to be a specific setting or version of .e.g Firefox?

If only I had NAME for this, then I'd be able to search for it online.


I like recording my gameplays as a hobby, especially since I watched some youtubers recording theirs. But I have some issues on Lubuntu:

  • OBS is too heavy for my hardware, which is a Mac Mini 2016. Everytime I tried to do some recordings, video appeared heavily stuttered.

  • Ffmpeg is very lightweight, and I was experimenting with it, but for some reason video appears faster and ahead from audio, out of sync.

  • SSR (SimpleScreenRecorder) is the best option for me. But sometimes there are dropped frames. Not too many, although enough to be noticeable at some times.

Now, my issue with SSR is that I want to use the OpenGL option to see how good or bad it is. The problem is that there is no information on internet except for Steam. And when I want to execute the command ssr-glinject [program], a segmentation fault appears.

What can I do?


I have a few external hard drives that are connected over USB for backup storage. I power them down when not in use because it unnecessarily uses power and adds wear to the drives.

After a couple power downs on the drives they started to give an audible sort of heavy 'clunk', not too loud, just seemed louder than a hard drive should be.

I ran SMART scans and found that 'Power-off Retract Count' is at 4 (above 100 drive should be taken out of service) on a brand new drive.

I searched for several hours on forums to the cause of the emergency retracts. It appears that gnome does not power down the device after it is ejected. Several other people had the same issue and there didn't seem to be any real resolution other than to run:

udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sdX

or to open gnome-disks and to manually power down the drive after ejecting.

Is there a way to make right clicking on the drive to eject automatically also power down the drive? This seems like a major issue that one of the more popular DEs method of ejecting hard drives is so destructive.


I recently bought this motherboard, based on descriptions on and B&H's website. Both sites claim the board has 5 PCIe x16 slots (2x version 4, and 3x version 3). But I have the board in front of me, and while it certainly has full length slots, most of the pins are missing in all but one of them. Closer examination of the MSI website has this to say:

  • 5x PCI-E x16 slot

  • PCI_E1 Gen PCIe 4.0 supports up to x16 (From CPU)

  • PCI_E2 Gen PCIe 3.0 supports up to x1 (From Chipset)

  • PCI_E3 Gen PCIe 4.0 supports up to x4 (From Chipset)

  • PCI_E4 Gen PCIe 3.0 supports up to x1 (From Chipset)

  • PCI_E5 Gen PCIe 3.0 supports up to x1 (From Chipset)

Have I been swindled? Am I just stupid or ignorant?


I am experiencing a technical issue that I can't even explain, let alone fix.

Short Version: My laptop's video link to our television regularly drops out for 10-15 seconds when anyone steps too heavily on a particular area of the floor.

Long Version (because I don't know which details might matter):

My wife and I regularly participate in video meetings with friends, so we have a setup for it in our living room. My laptop serves as the computer. It is connected to a Thunderbolt 4 hub on a side table to the left of my easy chair.

There is a video adapter connected to the hub. 20' HDMI and USB cables run along a wall to the left of the table to connect the hub to the television and the camera that's mounted on it (Logitech Brio 4K). Another 20' USB cable runs behind the chair and forward along the right side where it connects to a microphone (Logitech Yeti X). The microphone is on another small table that extends out into the room just in front of the chair arm.

My wife uses an easy chair immediately to the right of mine. The microphone wire runs between the chairs, but does not touch either. None of the cabling or devices are in front of, behind, or to the right of that chair.

The problem is that when my wife gets up, the tv picture often goes black for 10-15 seconds. The television indicates that it no longer has a signal during that time. Then the picture comes back and things return to normal. During that time, the camera and microphone both continue to work normally.

The drop-out happens when she puts weight on the floor immediately in front of the chair, not when she puts pressure on the chair to get up.

Occasionally the drop-out will happen when one of our dogs (50-75 pounds) jumps down from the chair onto the same area or when someone walks across the area. The section of floor where this happens is no more than a couple of feet square, starting at the front of the chair and extending out in to the room. There are no cables or wires in the immediate vicinity on the floor and there is no electrical wiring under that section of floor.

We have speculated about static electricity, but there is no obvious way it would get into the microphone wiring across at least an 18" gap. I also replaced the microphone's USB cable with one that is better shielded, which made no difference.

So what could cause the video signal to drop-out when someone puts weight on a section of the floor with no apparent connection to any part of the system?

Any theories or suggestions would be welcome. We are genuinely mystified.


I'll briefly summarize and then go into more detail on what ive tried. Build

TLDR; I've separated most of the parts into a separate build and did various tests for all them to be running as they should. Due to this, I believe that the issue may be caused by whatever he is connecting to the PC. Just wanted another perspective on the matter so I know that I covered all bases.

In depth...

Issue first started on Windows 10 and when his games began to crash I immediately assumed it to be the gpu. In response we did DDU, reinstalled drivers and games continued to crash. Ended up resetting Windows 10 entirely but again games continued to crash.

It's not on the build, but he has a WD Blue 1tb HDD and later got a WD 10tb HDD because of his slow internet, aiming to access larger games that he might not play frequently. I'm aware that you need to cover the first three pins on these shuckable drives and it did work with no issues after that. Though, for the sake of troubleshooting I did remove both of these drives out of the build and again same issue.

When I removed both sata drives I was under the impression it was fixed. I ran heavenly benchmark for an hour, played a few games, and all seemed well. He even had no issues for about a week but then the same issues started to happen again.


I assumed the GPU was faulty so I ended up testing the card on a separate build I know has zero issues. The GPU ran great. I did the same thing, ran heavenly benchmark, 3dmark, played several games that would usually crash within minutes of him launching but no issues whatsoever.

I reinstalled the GPU into his pc and did the same tests as well as using OCCT. Again of course no issues. The gpu ran with temps on average running around 70c in every game I tried.


I don't have any AM5 mb's to isolate the CPU but ended up stress testing with cinebench and OCCT. The CPU did throttle at 95c like it should and when in games it ended up remaining around 60c average. There were no issues that I could see.


With how the CPU temps were while running games for several hours I presume the AIO isn't the issue. Would increase/decrease fans RPM as needed.


Ran memtest and OCCT but again no errors were presented in either.


I used again OCCT and didn't see either the cpu/gpu throttling while doing such. Isolated PSU into another system and ran 3dmark, heavenly benchmark on another build but got same results.

Everything tried...

  • DDU
  • Reset Windows 10
  • Removed all SATA drives
  • Isolated & Stress test GPU
  • Stress test CPU
  • Isolated & Stress test PSU
  • Test RAM

With all that in mind I can only conclude that it has to be something USB. From what I know he often plays with a Logitech G920 Wheel and he told me he never unplugs it. I noticed alot of people getting BSOD with this wheel so told him to keep it unplugged when not using it and did what logitech states from there FAQ in regards to BSOD.

Only other peripherals I know of is a HyperX Quadcast, Razer Peripherals, and other logitech peripherals.

I also went through event viewer and from what I can remember I had him uninstall razers manager due to it crashing everyday, fixed DCOM not communicating, and uninstalled microsofts old controller manager that was crashing as well.

Again I dont know where to look or what else to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks for anytime you spend looking over this.

Also, I'll get dump files when I can and update here when I have them.

Edit: Finally have the files


So I opened this harddisk because it was not spinning and it kept on making a click sound. This is an old harddisk , so I understand that the technology has changed. But I can't seem to find the read head parking area which most tutorials show or explain. So my question is, which is the resting position of this read head? Also is there a type or version of this sort of hdd?


I had already uninstalled Creative Cloud but its zombie folder was still there. (Win11/64bit/most recent updates.) Looked for hours, tried tons, nothing would work. Maybe for you Adobe's unPinCCF tool would work, or using regedit to set System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree to 0 would - but not for me.

TLDR (thanks, Aubrey and Bortao) Delete the following registry key (after making a backup of your registry ofc):


Bortao reports- "The last part of the number is random, so open Regedit and browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace, find a key starting with 0E270DAA-1BE6-48F2-AC49 and remove it." Me, I found it by Ctrl-F and looking for "creative cloud files" until I landed on that one. Deleted it, rebooted, GONE.

Aubrey's help:

Bortao's comment in this link:

This is NOT the only thing that worked for other people, so I should post my notes from this long trek, maybe one of the simpler paths might work for others


Domain facing massive e-mail spoofing attacks: Can something be done?


I am running my own mailserver using Mailcow and I noticed, since mid-January, a huge rise of e-mail address spoofing attacks, in three ways:
(1) a lot of spam ends up in the inbox despite having rspamd.
(2) a few undelivered e-mail errors
(3) some e-mails with rubbish content sent to public administrations, with my e-mail address mentioned in the "via" field, but different sender address (possibly from a third hacked mailserver), end up in my inbox as well.

My mailserver doesn't seem to have been hacked BTW, as e-mails were sent today and the last connection to the SMTP service was 2 days ago according to Mailcow admin UI.

Here are my questions:
(1) Does the address spoofing make that rubbish mail end up in the recipients' inbox?
(2) Is it shown as being sent by me or by the third hacked mailserver?
(3) Is there a way to block the incoming spam using that technique in rspamd?
(4) Can this spoofing attack impact my domain name's reputation (blacklist, ...?)
(5) Last but not least, do you think I could get in legal trouble given the fact attackers seem to spoof my e-mail to target public administrations of my country (France, in case that matters)? If so, what could prove neither me nor my mailserver are faulty?

I am respecting all the good practices for e-mail security (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and even signing my emails with an S/MIME cert). Oh and my server isn't an open relay ^_^

Thank you!

@email @techsupport


I saw a post in a forum about connecting an external GPU to an x200 ThinkPad and it's made me curious what the limitations are and what models you could use one on. I am not very familiar with eGPUs.

Could you theoretically connect a ThinkPad T440p to a 3060? I imagine you would quickly reach a bottleneck but I am wondering what kind of performance gains you would get before running into it.

The x200 utilized the express card slot so I don't know if it would be possible with other models. I am not sure though. Maybe there's a way with the dock that it could be setup.


Marking as solved! The solution is a tad cumbersome (can't directly control in-browser), but it comes with a bonus I didn't even think to ask for (mp3 files that I can save to my phone and listen to in the car!).

Using the extension Video Download Helper, I can yoink the sound files right off the website. I've got mp3's set to open with Firefox, so when I open one it launches in its own tab, where I can use the extension Video Speed Controller to manipulate the playback speed; click back to the original ATI tab and read along.

Thanks for the help, all!!!


Just started nursing school (fuck yeah!!) and it's looking like a lot of our material is via the website (couldn't find any examples of the audio feature that don't require you to be logged in).

It's basically a textbook, broken down into modules, and click through them as instructed. There's a "play audio" feature that provides audio of the wall of text, which is great! ...except that whoever made the recordings sounds like the fucking sloth from Zootopia.

Occasionally there're videos too, which also don't have built-in playback speed options, but I found an HTML5 video speed controller extension for Firefox that works a charm on those; I've tried about 10 similar extensions trying to hit the text audio, but it remains stuck on sloth.

I also tried a program called Cheat Engine - used that about 50,000 years ago to skip ads on YouTube when YouTube was first infected with its ad disease: set the runspeed of Firefox to like 100x and the ad would be finished in about half a second. Doesn't work anymore for ads, and didn't work on ATI's audio either.

Not sure what else to try, but there aren't enough hours in a day to listen to the assigned material at 1x, so if you've got a fix, you're my hero!

Thanks all!!


Longshot here, but maybe someone can help.

PC either hard locks or blue screens. Ryzen 5900x 32 gigs ram 2080Super EVGA 750w power supply

Did all the driver suggestion online. SFC memtest etc. Stripped down to single stick of ram, tried both individually in different slots, GPU and ssd. GPU and ssd have been used in another pc without issue. Windows 10, 11 fresh installs. Tried pop os locked up during install twice. Just replaced my motherboard and the boot ssd and it was working for a few days, and is now doing the same lock up or dpc_watchdog. At this point, the only hardware that hasn't been swapped out to test is the power supply, cpu and case. And I've disconnected everything from the case save the power button.

I've been building my own pc's for over 20 years and have never encountered such a difficult to diagnose problem. Could it be the power supply? CPU? This is 90% brand new now and still giving me the same issue.


Because i am local admin and i'm authorized to do whatever i want, i can use process explorer.

But i want to use taskmgr.exe

The exe is signed by microsoft


This started a few days ago. I've been getting texts from friends with iPhones in the wrong order, and seemingly they are getting mine late. So I texted a friend whose grandmother was in the hospital yesterday, and her conversation with me looked like this. These texts from her arrived around a minute apart each. I think the intended order of them is fairly obvious. It's worth noting that every time I send her a text, the read receipt line under the text shows a little clock for a few seconds or more, which I think means it hasn't been recieved by her phone yet. Also worth noting that I had a conversation using the same stock messaging app with my mom yesterday who has an android and I don't think we had any such issue, but that may have actually been RCS.

Anyway, here's the example. It's not the only example I've had with her or with another iPhone-using friend in the past couple days.

Me: Hey, how's your day? Any updates about your grandma?

Her (a few hours later): I feel relieved

Me: does that mean you got good news?

Her: how was your day?

Her: yeah

Me: my day was good, (proceeds to describe what I did that day)

Her: my family feels relieved too

Me: what was the good news? Your grandma is okay?

Her: Hey $bionicjoey, I didn't get much sleep last night but I just heard that the doctors say my grandma is out of danger.

Edit: I texted her last night saying something weird was going on after that exchange, and then this morning at about 7:30 AM I texted her saying "let me know as soon as you get this". She just texted me at 2:30pm saying "I just am just now seeing your texts"


Requesting advice/ recommendations for steps forward. Is the NAS cooked? Could I upgrade the drives and still get some life out of it?. How likely is it just a single bay (not the disk) failed on the nas?

All of the system was bought second hand about 2 years ago but factory wiped. Drives look like they've got 4-5 years runtime on them before I bought it.

I've got a 4 bay nas it has 4x3TB drives in it. A few days ago there was an issue with Bay 1 where it lost sync or something. I pulled it out and put it back in and removed it from the volume and re initialized it and it came up good.

Yesterday the light for bay 1 didn't come on and system showed as degraded.

I tried to fault find by swapping the disks in bays 1 and 2. And I think it gave light on bay 1 but am not sure. I'm not in a position to try again as priority 1 is to make a copy of all data on the nas as-is.

When I put everything back as it was bay 2 came up with a partition error, so I stopped fault finding and started data copying.

My plan is to remove all data and then fault find to see if drive of bay is the issue and then possibly re initialized a volume with bays 2-4 as raid 5. But there's part of me saying once a failure has occurred there's likely to be a second one soon.

Edit: I also got a warning about increased fan noise but it didn't sound louder to me.

Thanks in advance.


Yesterday I saw a post about the Reddit IPO and commented on it. The post was on c/World News of Lemmy.World and seemed to just have been posted since it had no comments.

I then kept scrolling as usual and found out that the same exact post with the same title had already appeared on c/Technology of Lemmy.World with lots of comments and votes, so I understood the first one I saw was a repost and this was likely the original post and I decided to write the same comment again.

Now something interesting happened. I use Eternity and see my two identical comments being up or down voted and someone replied to my first comment (and I can see this reply in my inbox), but I cannot access the first post anymore (it says "error refreshing the page")

Thought the first post had been taken down because perhaps the original poster or mods decided it was a repost, but I woke up this morning and both of my comments keep being voted, so someone must be able to see both posts!

How is this possible?

Edit: fixed grammar


I have seen these before, but for the life of me I cannot seem to recall what they are called or what they’re for.

Google search - especially image search, where I’m trying to bring up similar items - is now a total potato and seemingly capped at one screen of results in a secure and sanitized browser.


Bought a pair of Sennheiser 560s for my computer but I'd like something to plug them into my phone. Of course, my phone doesn't have a headphone jack (fuck you Google) so I need an adapter. I'd prefer one that allows me to charge and plug my headphones in at the same time, but I can't find one that seems decent quality. Any help appreciated

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