It's always Sangh Parivar...
I was chatting with a yank fella I know on Discord and called him mate, I've known him for about a year. There was a pause and he said, "That's the first time you've ever called me mate". Bloke was just about tearing up cos apparently I'd just fulfilled one of his life ambitions, being called mate by an Aussie. Ordinarily I use mate just about every other sentence but it made me realise I must subconsciously tone it down for foreigners.
I haven't read the book but I rated the tv show.
Whaaaaat? Is this the convoy they showed on Russian news moving towards Kursk? Epic fail by Russia if so.
For the sake of the rest of the democratic world, please do.
You're doing the Lord's work here.
Squad is an awesome game, and I've played hundreds of hours on Proton. However, unless performance has drastically improved since last December, I would not recommend trying to play it on Steam Deck. I got about 20fps, with regular and significant drops. It is a seriously good game though for those who like a good tactical multiplayer shooter. OWI also makes a Starship Troopers game and Squad 44 (sort of a WW2 version of Squad but different, does not run on Proton due to EAC) so I hope they get the same treatment.
I'm doing my part!
I think you might be right though, it seems unlikely the current plan is going to attract more than a handful of applicants.
I was going to post this and then I saw your comment. The Handmaiden trailer gives nothing at all away yet somehow commands you to watch the film. A masterpiece in film trailers, also an excellent movie.
This was awesome, it had me so confused when the author described the legal problems they were having.
Gutless. If you're proud of your ideology, show your face.
I've never used it myself, but I've also never heard a bad word said about it. Seems to be a pretty solid little distro.