Should be fine 👍
I used the rot to destroy the rot
Real talk though I love these applications of AI and will enthusiastically support them
Cars won't be gotten rid of entirely. But we can reduce their usage. Rideshare systems (non-evil ones, not just Uber/Lyft; a membership system has been tried in Europe and works well) could help reduce the need for cars.
Attitudes like yours are part of the reason many of those people have decided to just go with the opposite viewpoint.
You're right, but if they were good people they wouldn't be evil just because someone pointed it out. Learning from people who don't like what you're doing is a fundamentally important skill.
I'll join you in craughing
This but unironically
I'd be interested in seeing that, yeah
Probably it'll hurt whoever dares to disobey the law :(
now can you tell me why electronic voting machines in swing states need to be connected to Starlink?
Are they though?
People who subscribe to the whole male power struggle culture. Not just in a political sense; people will say things about respect or posturing etc. and it physically disgusts me to be reminded that people live like that.
Please provide reasoning