Hindsight is always 20/20 but I still think it could have worked. Greens and liberals aren't natural enemies, climate reforms can be done via methods from the free market. A proper carbon certificate trade is still something I think could work wonders if done right and redistributing the acquired money to all citizens would have been in line with the social considerations of the SPD. This should have been the project of the traffic light coalition. Now we all now the liberals are a bunch of lying, opportunistic fucks, okay, but it could have worked if only they had tried.
And on top of that they are generally much more expensive than American houses to begin with.
That very much depends on the area and the house itself.
Have you read the article you linked? The memorandum contains several obligations, including respecting Ukraine's borders.
You couldn't. It was hidden underneath ie flag.
I can be a backpack while you run
Hauptsache die Wirtschaft brummt.
Eine Neurowissenschaftlerin erklärt, warum das so ist und wie sich die Menschen dennoch aus der "kollektiven Selbstzerstörung" befreien können.
Gleichwohl bleibt Urner optimistisch, was die Chancen angeht, von dieser "kollektiven Selbstzerstörung" wegzukommen. "Wenn ich davon nicht überzeugt wäre, dann könnte ich mich nicht motivieren, morgens aufzustehen", sagt sie. Zentral sei, "sich aktiv hoffend dafür einzusetzen, dass es besser wird". Dies bedeute, "nicht zu wissen, dass es gut ausgeht, sondern davon überzeugt zu sein, dass das, was man tut, sinnvoll ist und dazu beitragen kann, dass es besser wird".
Die Antwort ist also "aktiv hoffen"? Na viel Glück damit.
This makes me wonder so hard why people don't switch to Mastodon instead. Like... You have literally seen this before! Why are you doing it again?
No bullets either.
it still has a long way to go before it starts replacing LCDs and OLEDs.
I really don't think it's even trying to fill the same niche. No eReader is attempting to sell you Netflix. It's just an entirely different device.