doubt that. contactless is strongly limited with cards. much safer because you are not being pricegauged like a little child. if you use google you've lost control over your life no matter how lazy you are.
joined 1 year ago
have some respect for yourself
hm...that will backfire a lot. i thought trump wanted to drop his maybelline eyeliner model anyways?! now emerald mine boy just obstructs his plans.lets just hope they dont go for more rape to fix their problems.
same with rust?
ipv6 isnt real.
who besides dems should go after her? trump wins if she wins.
switzerland will be leveled by nature. it'll be a flat parkinglot nobody will use inhabitet by people nobody likes. let us end schengen so EU isnt bothered by them anymore.
said it a few times before: russia is doomed. when germans start a thing it takes time to get going, but dear lord they dont understand when to stop. so rheinmetal is going to ramp shit up until ukraine can beat china. and then they will produce even more. until a lot of ppl tell them to stop. it is a doctrine now. german industry help ukraine = growth
run russians, run.