erm... 12am is midnight
Don't you think people just mean that it feels like a Mario game at the same time as feeling fresh? That's certainly how I felt. It's "innovative" in the sense that there are things that you didn't expect, and that's fun and exciting. I could be wrong, but I don't think anybody means "innovative" in that it's ground-breaking in the larger gaming world or even in the platforming genre.
because it’s much, much faster and easier to consume content via video
That totally depends on the content. Using your example, yes, a video of an explosion is going be much more efficient than a block of text about the same explosion. But for something like this, I find it MUCH slower to try to glean the relevant information from a video than from an article. An article can be skimmed easily so I only have to focus on the parts that I care about. Skimming a video, on the other hand, is a pain. Also, if the content is a step-by-step how-to, the video might be OK as long as I can follow along in real time. However, if I have to keep pausing and going back to rewatch a section, then an article is going to be easier to work with.
If you look at the markings on the baffle in the T320, it's marked to indicate the second CPU as well as the second bank of RAM slots. I think it's safe to say it's identical.
Any SATA or SAS drive should work just fine. If you need some hot swap caddies, you can buy them fairly cheap on Amazon:
I've personally used the WorkDone brand caddies, and they are perfectly usable!
edit: I'm fairly certain it doesn't support four 3.5 AND eight 2.5... the form factor supported depends on the backplane that's installed. Also know that the backplane physically supports double that number of hard drives... you'd just need an HBA card with two internal ports. See this list for some options: (
Selling is an art... and this is why I'm not in sales. I have absolutely no interest in trying to convince somebody to buy something.
Wait, is Russia in Europe?
Edit: apparently it's in both.
Said another way: the game is innovative (for a Mario game), NOT the game is innovative (for a platformer)