Journalism has been dead for ages. Now, satire (like The Onion), that's informative.
This is felony level bait-and-switch going on, here. This really should have criminal charges attached to the perpetrators.
Lots of pro-Russia bots in here pretending to be concerned about ~~their sudden inability to sneak backdoors into the kernel~~open source.
It came with the machine.
There are a few things that still don't quite work as good in Linux.
I like the way I put it. Way easier to put on a bumper sticker.
Trump voters do everything out of spite. They invent some really obviously stupid excuse to be mad at Democrats and use that as a justification to vote for Trump.
It's always the Devil who tries to convince everyone that he speaks for God.
No idea. I just love all the sequence-breaking going on in that video. I lost count of the times the guy quickly quits and resumes the game, just so he can make a long trek out-of-bounds.
Now that I think about it, the cause-and-effect here is probably being viewed all wrong.
What likely happens is that a game comes out to overwhelming expectations, and the greater those player expectations are met, the more word-of-mouth gets around about the game. Thus, games that deserve to do well make more money, and pirates are less motivated to work on a crack right away.
If player expectations are not being met, the less success the game receives, and the more motivated pirates are to crack it (driven by their disgust at bad software).
The above scenarios probably do a good job of accounting for 20% of the revenue for a game.
We should totally just go along with DRM, or they might decide to break other stuff. This is totally an innocent request, and far from attempted extortion.