Random email auth is some thought leadering for sure.
joined 1 year ago
So less diversity in founders? What's the perfect type that The Power should allow to do what they want?
Wait until you hear about Dunn & Bradstreet and Moody's
I'm amazed that they have any customers paying to listen to ads. I wont stand for it and I find it surprising others would.
I'll take Lawyers Maximizing Billable Hours for $500, Alex
What could go wrong with chinese rootkits on leading global games?
Still not going to give them a dollar ever.
It's just a $1300/mo payment. What's the big deal?
Given my entertainment options, I found a small developer that sells an app for a couple bucks that allows me to pull streams through my phone and transcode it and chromecast it to my projector. Juijitsu Kaisen never looked so good.
There's specialty equipment needed to stretch chainlink into position.