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[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The title isn't exact :

Moreover, their relations were only re-instaured after the western-supported coup by J.Añez :

(Here's Colombia's president 6 hours ago b.t.w., among other examples)

(no need to point out that it would be safer for them not to take position for//against any side. The article also spoke of Argentina, here's an interesting 2mn-long point of view)

[–] [email protected] -3 points 11 months ago

Unless the creatures, overall, would prefer to have never existed in the first place, then the Creator isn't evil and should be praised(, that's only one reason, for example an other one would be our search for Absolute/Greatness/Good/..)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

One post and zero comment from criitz.
Ideally a fusion of Reddit and Lemmy's content was what your bot is aiming to do, first thought it'd be illegal, but since we don't have human reposters i'm glad there's at least a bot instead.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I don't entirely agree with my comment either, because there's multiple interpretation of Hell.
One of them is interesting, it says that if our consciousness survives after our death, our mind will finally think clearly, we'll remember our past better than if it happened today, and we'll be overwhelmed by shame, this hell would be created by ourselves.
Another one would talk about a real place, but not in the afterlife but right here, on Earth(, it combines perfectly with this talk of afterlife if you believe in reincarnation), and says that if we all live our lives 'searching for'/'aiming at' God, then our descendants/reincarnations will live in Paradise(, or in Hell if we don't).
There're other interpretations, as well as the thought that we're not free since we're determined, so God decided before our birth whether we would end up in Hell or in Paradise, a thought discussed in the Middle-Ages and rejected in favor of free-will(, i don't think Spinoza would disagree with the conclusion that God predestined us for Hell, if he believed in Hell).
Obviously, the most common explanation is that police(wo)men didn't existed back then, God-fearing people was the equivalent of virtuous people, even when nobody can see/stop them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

They merely said that being separated from God means suffering, while following means walking towards the establishment of Kingdom/City unto Earth. They talked more about Hell as a state than as a physical place, but, well... who cares nowadays, right ? Parabola never taught us anything about the real world, the spirit doesn't exist, and morals are relative, they were simply naive ignorants who never had anything to teach us, embrace modernity and reject 100% of the past.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

anyone who worships God is also good by default, and of course this logic follows that anyone that doesn't worship God is evil by default.

If that was the case they wouldn't put an emphasis on hypocrites.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Justice≠Revenge, otherwise Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and the rest, would be justified.
If every evil was stopped though it would be the end of 'our trip'/'any possible progress'.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

If you agree that God gave us cancer, then you should normally agree as well that S.H..e gave us everything else.


A working group will lay out fuller plans over the next 60 days, including a timeline for building the infrastructure.

Allying with allies of oppressed countries may be a step towards directly allying with these countries.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I agree, but what i clumsily pointed at is the lack of debate, i see three options :

  • We could already back then prove without a doubt that the elections weren't rigged, and couldn't have been, but that's not the case. If it was possible, then we could've reminded them of the safety of our mechanism, but even then we should still invite opponents so they can point at imperfections in order to improve it ;
  • We can't currently prove that the elections weren't rigged, and that's a problem that we should acknowledge if we want to prevent such refusal to accept an electoral defeat in the future, it's alarming that we don't intend to change anything, we must be more re-assured that rigging elections is impossible, and not double-down with machine voting instead of a cctv which could record every single vote opened and be inside the box as well and broadcast live, that's an example. There have also been proofs of multiple votes under a false identity, and i wrote once a long text on how we could ensure a safety, but my point is that these solutions exist and that you're not taking the steps to ensure an impossibility of cheating, i could say that it's suspicious but i'll only say that it's a way to ensure more doubts for the next elections ;
  • And the third possibility would be that we'll never be able to prove that elections aren't rigged, but i don't believe in this, one would need to not have thought about the solutions in order to believe this.
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If i'm taking the first link i found, here's the accusations :

  • conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power
  • those who attempted to undermine the workings of American democracy will be held criminally accountable
  • conspired before, during, and after the siege of the Capitol to use force against their own government to prevent the peaceful transfer of power
  • seditious conspiracy
  • To prepare for the attack on the Capitol, Tarrio and the other leaders of the Ministry of Self Defense established a chain of command, chose a time and place for their attack, and intentionally recruited others who would follow their top-down leadership and who were prepared to engage in physical violence if necessary.
  • At 2:11 p.m., Pezzola smashed open a window, allowing the first rioters to enter the Capitol as Biggs and those with him entered close behind.
  • Tarrio’s conduct constituted an official act of terrorism
  • In the 31 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,106 individuals have been arrested

Feel free to read the article to see if i forgot something, it wasn't informative. No one can honestly say that they were going to overtake the country, and yet.

The second link is entirely on the charges but is even less informative. Believing that they had any chance to overthrow the United States of America is crazy talk, yet lives were/are ruined while everyone claps as if it make sense. Please find me more arguments from your side if you believe to be on the right side.


Seems to my ignorant eyes that we could always somehow split the power received into more manageable units, even if it has to be splitted a million times, 🤷‍♂️.

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