I want to believe this, too. But considering how there are smart people clubs with upwards of 50,000 members in the US that treat "passing" an IQ test as their sole entry criterion, I am sure there are some. Not all who have intelligence also have the wisdom to use it well.
Das ist auch genau der Grund, warum ich die Schuld weniger bei den Wählern sehe. Merz und Co. wissen natürlich, dass diese Forderungen substanzlos sind, den Wählern fehlen aber häufig die Informationen um das zu verstehen. Auch das weiß Merz ganz genau. Dass Leute wie Merz solche Aussagen trotzdem machen, ist unverantwortlich, zumal er die Leute damit nicht nur zur CDU treibt sondern auch zur AfD. Der Mann schadet dem Land, er weiß das, und es ist ihm egal.
You must gather your congregation before venturing forth!
It's colossally stupid.
It's hilarious to me that, while the author is trying to own working-class people's poor choice of hobbies, what it actually does is show the immense privilege of people whose only hobbies are various forms of "self improvement".
Für mich verschandelt Merz auch die politische Landschaft, können wir den jetzt auch abbauen? Eventuell hilft es auch schon, wenn Merkel ihm mal erklärt, warum das mit der Kernfusion noch was dauern könnte.
This was 16-year-old me with The 13th Warrior. Thought it was pretty good. I have never watched it again, so I wonder if today's me would say the same.
Can you please tell your entire generation to get it together worldwide? That'd be great, thanks.
Leaving this here just in case: /s
Definitely better than nothing, I just think researchers should more liberally give credit where it's due, and although things are changing, I still see lots of people treat authorship like it's some precious commodity.
Senior professor: Your work was instrumental in getting this published, and we think your efforts should be rewarded.
The reward: 👍
I'm a simple man. I see memes trashing Freud, I press like.
Fun idea: Flood their contact addresses with fake applications and fake credentials like certificates with high scores on made-up IQ tests or Mensa membership cards.