
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Do these things correlate that much tho? Not to toot my own horn, but I am fairly tech-proficient and have terrible typing skills. My technique is somewhere in between hunt-and-peck and touch-typing, despite regular typing lessons in elementary school. I imagine a lot of other people are like this, and vice-versa as well.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

Please don't. If you need something like json but with comments, then use YAML or TOML. Those formats are designed to be human-readable by default, json is better suited for interchanging information between different pieces of software. And if you really need comments inside JSON, then find a parser that supports // or /* */ syntax.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Never knew that ddg had an LLM, will check it out. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 62 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)
[–] [email protected] 60 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I’m sorry which LLM is this?

It's I like it because it doesn't require an account and because it can search the internet. It's like microsoft's bing but slightly less cringe.

How’d you get that out of it?

The screenshot is fake. I used Inspect Element.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 month ago (14 children)

I don't mind people making and sharing AI pictures for fun, but if you sell those pictures, that's kinda cringe tbh.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I actually do have glasses, I just never bothered learning about any of the technical details behind my lenses. Optometrist measured my eyes, I chose the cheapest frame the store offered, came back a week later to pick up the glasses and that's about it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

yes, it's that.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago

This post reminds me of those "attack helicopter" jokes from 2016, except this time it's actually funny and not hurtful

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It's true what you say about volatility. It's not just the internet, it's everything digital, even offline storage.

A few months ago I was about to sell/give away a bunch of old childrens books that I had, my reasoning being that I will never want to read them again, and even if did want to for whatever reason, I could always find ebook versions of them.

Ultimately I decided to keep the books -- what if, sometime in the future, I wanted to share these books with my (potential) children? Would all of these books have been preserved in digital form? Would I rather be giving my children a physical copy that I owned and read personally, or emailing a PDF? Physical media holds real value.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I've seen some niche bands release (free) official torrents of their music on a certain piracy website. It's kind of surreal. Just goes to show that piracy is and always has been about sharing culture


I recently wanted to run tegaki, and my experience is pretty much summed up by the meme. I consider myself fairly tech-savvy, but I just couldn't figure out how to compile it. So I just gave up, downloaded the .exe and put it into a fresh wine prefix. After installing CJK fonts, everything ran fine. Now I'm trying to get gpaint to work. ~~My distro recently dropped support for gtk+2 (which I am fairly pissed about, since it's the last good version of GTK+), so I have to set that up manually as well.~~ [[[ EDIT: gtk2 is alive and well. I was just being and idiot and searching for gtk2, when the package is actually called gtk+2. ]]] I installed all of the dependencies that ./configure told me to, but I still kept getting obscure errors when running make.

So, here's my question: what tools make the process of running abandonware easier? Docker containers? Also, what can I use to package abandonware in order to make it easy for other people to run? Flatpak? Appimages? Any advice is appreciated!

Also, inb4 "just find a modern alternative". That would be a reasonable solution. I don't want reasonable solutions!


Context: Even though Chromium has native support for AVIF, a very nice image format, Microsoft goes out of their way to remove it from Edge, which is a chromium fork. Jpeg XL (JXL) (not to be confused with Jpeg (JPG) or Jpeg 2000 (jpg2k) ) is another nice image format, which, IIRC, is only supported in Firefox.

 * This DOT code is provided under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
 * For details, see:

digraph cooking_stick {


	node [shape=box]
	node [width=1.0]

	here [shape=diamond label="start\nhere"]
	nonstick [label="non-stick"]
	nonspray [label="non-spray"]
	noncooking [label="non-cooking"]

	nt_cooking [label="cooking"]
	nt_spray [label="spray"]

	ns_cooking [label="cooking"]
	ns_stick [label="stick"]

	nc_spray [label="spray"]
	nc_stick [label="stick"]

	nt_c_s [label="spray"]
	nt_s_c [label="cooking"]
	ns_c_t [label="stick"]
	ns_t_c [label="cooking"]
	nc_s_t [label="stick"]
	nc_t_s [label="spray"]

	node [width=1.6 height=1.5 fixedsize=true]
	nt_c_s_i [label="" image="nt_c_s.jpg"]
	nt_s_c_i [label="" image="nt_s_c.jpg"]
	ns_c_t_i [label="" image="ns_c_t.jpg"]
	ns_t_c_i [label="" image="ns_t_c.jpg"]
	nc_t_s_i [label="" image="nc_t_s.jpg"]
	nc_s_t_i [label="" image="nc_s_t.jpg"]

	here -> nonstick
	here -> noncooking
	here -> nonspray

	nonstick -> nt_cooking
	nonstick -> nt_spray

	nonspray -> ns_cooking
	nonspray -> ns_stick

	noncooking -> nc_spray
	noncooking -> nc_stick

	nt_cooking -> nt_c_s
	nt_spray -> nt_s_c
	ns_cooking -> ns_c_t
	ns_stick -> ns_t_c
	nc_stick -> nc_t_s
	nc_spray -> nc_s_t

	nt_c_s -> nt_c_s_i
	nt_s_c -> nt_s_c_i
	ns_c_t -> ns_c_t_i
	ns_t_c -> ns_t_c_i
	nc_t_s -> nc_t_s_i
	nc_s_t -> nc_s_t_i

Hello everyone!

I have a thinkpad t420 (without a discrete gpu) and I am hitting up to 95℃ on a full cpu load (for example, writing large files to a zstd=15 btrfs filesystem on a LUKS volume), even in my very cold room (I am wearing three sweaters as I'm typing this). Everyday tasks like watching videos bring me up to around 65℃. I got this laptop second-hand, but pretty sure the former owner has never repasted it.

So, is it a good idea to replace the thermal paste to improve cooling? If so, what thermal paste should I go with? I have Arctic mx-4 on hand, would that be an improvement? What about liquid metal?

Also, for my own understanding, I would be grateful if someone answers these questions: does thermal paste "dry out" over time? Is there such a thing as a "bottleneck" when it comes to cooling? For example, could it be that upgrading the thermal compound won't yield lower temps, because the heat pipes or the fan are the bottleneck?

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: I disassembled the laptop, cleaned out the fan/finstack with a hair dryer (on no-heat setting while holding the fan in place), cleaned out the old paste with ear swabs and rubbing alcohol (although isopropyl alcohol would have been better), and applied a fresh portion of arctic mx-4. I tightened down the cooler, then removed it again, covered up a little corner of the die that didn't get covered, and tightened the cooler down for the final time. Now I don't go above 78℃ even when doing an all-core torture test with mprime (in the same cold room). Thank you to everyone that helped!

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