
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I've started to use Qwant a few months ago when bing and duckduckgo started to give me result I had filtered out in my search. But now it is way past this stage. When I look for something I find a lot of related topic but nothing about the topic I've searched for.
I notice it was suddently become much worst about 10~15 days ago

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

*Rire machiavélique*

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Bande d'ignorants ! C'est la seule fois où ils ont su dessiner Sophie la girafe correctement.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Tu as besoin de [email protected] dans ta vie.

[–] [email protected] 81 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Shareholders need to get confortable not owning the value of their share.
Seriously, it in the name: they hold shares not their value.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Also, I have to keep Lemmings focussing on bean because I notice that when note they tend to hate on tea and I won't let this happened.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I talk about bean. I love to eat bean, I love to cook it. They are healthy, every inexpensive. If buy can, you can cook very easily but you can do many complicated dish with it. It delicious with meat and without meat and that is the common ground on any cooking community on Lemmy, being vegan or not.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I disagree. If you look again at the pictures, you will see that the subject is not car owners and their cars but rather people trying to move independently from their mode of transportation. If everyone is entitle to access an autonomous vehicle, then at any given point, you will need as much car as there is people. Despite the fact that some of the same people are not in a car but waiting for one. With personal car when the car is not used, it is kept away of the passage. Where an autonomous car, especially when use as public transport, will roam around town, clogging its arteries while empty.
You can reduce the problem by having the car stop for new people until its full (some countries taxies does that) but that's not how the solution is sold to us. Self-driving car is sold as a way to keep moving in a five-seated vehicle even when along and having the vehicle kept driving even when fully empty.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

There is also an inventive to buy people expensive truck as personnal vehicule but I believe that people in this community are willing to look at the externalities.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Agree. Transportation is a problem of flow maximisation. We won't optimise the circulation in our system if we flood it with transportation machinery instead of focusing on the people.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (7 children)

Tha'st WRONG! That's not how autonomous cars work!! They are AUTONOMOUS that mean you can get rid of (at least!) half the people and still have as many cars!


The article is in french. Feel free to use a translator.


I've never use a book reading tracker before. But I made a few weeks ago a BookWyrme account.
BookWyrme is the fediverse book reading tracker and I'm marking books I've read when I remember them. Often, I need to add them to my instance as I've mainly read in French and many books needs to be manually added or imported before completing missing information.

This made made think about my journey as a reader. I've read lot older books in english or at least old enough to have more than one french translation. Would I love them with another translator or another translation? Would I enjoy reading them in english now? Would the langage difference be too much? Have a change too much as person?

I've read comics in paper format, volume by volume but I read them now online, chapter by chapter. How should I should I add them? Should I add both forms?

Which field are missing in BookWyrme to add information that are pertinent to me? What are its limitation? What are the workaround these limitations?

I looking for people to discuss these subjects.
Are you interested?

I don't want to write such big post again and make giant conversations but to publish smaller post on semi-regular basis and hear a bit of feedback.

Is this the right place? Do you know a more fitting community?


Il know that bramble are eatable and I can recognised them perfectly but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. It feels to weird. I should'nt have forrage it.
I've made a flower-leave salad and mugwort fritters out of the rest.

publication croisée depuis :


I'm reading more and more webtoon, which means that I get my comics by chapter not by volume. Is there a instance where asian comics are presented this way? I'm not against adding the chapter myself but I look for a community that's also using the chapter format.

Also I'm on The Library of the Uncommons which is nice but the search is soooo slow...


I can't figure out how to view a threads user profil in and I'm starting to wondering if this is not a problem of compatibility with lemmy. Maybe I should try again from the twittoverse...


I'm French native speaker. I believe I can speak fluent English but I know want to discover English poetry. Where should I start ?


An article in french about how the act of maintenance become invisible in the consumerism society and the consequence it has on the way we see our self independent.

Feel free to use a translator (but I think it will struggle a bit with this article)


I'm going to tone this a bit down, so I'm thinking :

  • canned pineapple, in juice not sirop
  • cheddar cheese
  • small mozzarela ball instead of marshmallow -shrimp instead of bacon.
  • cheapest mayonnaise I could find.

But you think I should eat this or simply post back a picture of it in the sub?
Should let it sit in the sauce (pinneapple juice + mayo) for a bit or eat it right away?
Is this still considered midwestern food?

I also found an old recipe for "salade américaine" in a cook book. It's fresh fruits and celeriac with mayo and tabasco.


The article is in french. Fell free to use a translator.


I few months ago I asked advice to preserve the many heads of garlic I had :

The reponses included to freeze it, to make confit or to preserved it in salted water or oil.

I've tried every methods, but confit that's on my list for next time I have garlic, and I've been consuming fermented garlic.
I'm very proud of that first attempt at salt fermentation (^_^)

More recently I've decided to taste my garlicky oil and I've open one of the jars. The bubbling oil was so active it splash a bit around. So I close it wondering what I have done wrong : 3 months ago, I've peel the skin that was on the older garlic heads, cut any bad looking part, place the garlic with some fresh thyme, fill the jar with olive oil and store it lip tight on a dark shelf.

So first : Thank you for all the idea. It was fun, tasty and avoid plenty of waste.

Second : Do you know what is wrong with the garlic preserved in oil ? Is it simply carbonic gaz from the fermentation that build up ? Should I have blanch my garlic or dried my thyme before hand ?

Thank you again for you precious help


My town have a plantation of Juglans nigra. These nut trees don't grow usually in France yet when I decided to have a taste of them, I thought I would handle it like another nut. But they are different.

I try to have the green shell to dry completely before peeling them off. But I couldn't so I went with a knive to get ride of it before they turn bad. The nuts are smaller than the one that grows here but so hard I can't crack them with a nutcraker.

Should I have wait longer before picking them up ? What is right to great ride of the green skin ? How could I crack them ?


The article is in german. Feel free to use a translator to read it.

And remember : The best waste is the waste we don't produce.

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