
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Example from Sweden

A good article on the general topic

I can't find the one about the US I read, but here's a similar one in terms of burglary.

And an anime? Dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?

There is nothing glorious,nothing anime-worthy about these cases. There are victims on both sides - the crime victim of course,but also the child murderers are often somewhat a victim. They are not old enough to grasp the full concept of what they are up against, they are often first tricked and then coerced/forced, often come from a destitute family and economical situation and there have been cases when they disappear afterwards. A murder is a murder,but often they don't know what they get themselves into.

The only winners are the cartel/gang bosses. As usual.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Depends on who you know.

If you are well connected to a cartel or a similar crime organisation or at least in good standing with them: No, it's not that difficult, sadly.

If you are not, thankfully it's hard.

Why? Because it's illegal and that is a problem for the buyer in that case. Why? Because if you hire someone he can simply fuck off with the money. Now what do you do now? You can't go to the police or sue him. You can of course hire another hitman and try to kill the first hitman . But who guarantees that this hitman is not also fucking off with the money? (There was literally a case when this happened).

So unless you have some kind of "society net" behind you, that protects you from this, either via coercion ("Pablo will kill your family if you fuck off with his money, the buyer is his veterinarian!") or other guarantees ("You are no longer welcome with lemmafia, you screwed over one of us!") you are likely fucked.

And if you would,you would not ask that here.

Which is good.

The old school hitman that worked for a higher up in a syndicate has nearly disappeared these days at least in the industrial nations. DNA based investigation techniques are fairly common these days and it is nearly impossible to be certain that you left no traces. And these can fuck you over 20 years later. So it's not a long term career these days as people don't want to risk being caught for drunk driving 20 years later and now have a murder case brought up against them all of a sudden. Additionally these kind of people are a liability - they can connect someone who does not want to be connected to a crime to one. Which makes them very interesting witnesses.

Even the crime cartels often use kids/minors as hitman these days - sometimes even brought in from South America,etc. just for the crime. They have very little risk of detection as they won't be in any databases, they don't care if they get their DNA on something when they disappear into a slum (or worse) afterwards anyway and if caught they won't get harsh sentences most of the time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's not that new, actually.

Mossad killed Mahmoud Hamshari, a leader of the terrorist cell that kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics with a bomb in his (non mobile) phone. They called him, confirmed he was on the phone and blew him up.

Yahya Ayyash the chief bomb maker of the Hamas was also killed by an exploding mobile phone in 1996.

The size of the operation here is truly impressive,but it's hardly new - and nothing another bad faith state level actor couldn't do. There is a good reason proper governments control incoming shipments of communication devices for their officials and security services very closely.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Kind of. I am a CEO (that's the easy part) of a small consulting company in healthcare.

The hard part is to explain what we actually do: We do consult organisations about (healthcare related) disaster preparedness/risk management and contingency planning. So you call us if you want to have proper plans in case your hospital catches fire, COVID and monkey pox have baby or if you are a city and need to know how to plan for "the day X". But as we work mainly on a systemic level you can also call us if you need a more intelligence focused plan e.g. "I am going to South Sudan, what do I do if I have an accident?".

Additionally we also consult for ambulance services, e.g. how to plan vehicle allocation, etc.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Stay away from the combo units. They are shit. And the reduced throughput is a major issue.

A tower design has to have the washer below the dryer, as the washer is creating more vibrations and simply weighs more.

Not all manufacturers allow a dryer to be placed upon their washers and not all washers have a big enough top.

Some (Bosch-Siemens-Appliances does i.e.) do offer specialised "tops" that you can use and that are working quite well. (Example

Personally I would put another lashing strap around the combination, though,just to be extra safe, especially if you have children or pets.

Other than that the combination works without a problem,we have been using that for around 15 years by now, only interrupted by our experiments with combo machines.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The combo units are shit. Believe me,I tried.

Efficiency sucks, you can often dry less than you can wash. And especially if you have larger amounts to wash/dry you can only have half the throughput.

And according to a few customer protection/test organisations they seem to be less reliable as well.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Still waiting for it to get better ten years later.

And yes,I had world class treatment with no financial limits.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Mullvad until you are often in the PCR, there I had a much better experience with ExpressVPN compared to basically everyone else.

If you need a lot of exit nodes in different countries Proton or Pure, but I grow increasingly wary of Proton these days and Pure is getting more and more enshitified these days.

So I simply use Mullvad for privacy and my own WG service for security.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I must actually revoke my statement,it seems like it is now being revived and is developed again, at a much slower pace,though.

But much better than nothing and at least security updates seem to be working.

Sorry for the misinformation, my bad, the different sources are quite misleading sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

And sadly MeshCentral is pretty much death development wise, isn't it? The main dev left Intel and now has not enough time for the project, wasn't that the story?

Edit: it seems to be developed again, much slower,though. But better than nothing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

OF was generally a masterpiece that nowadays is often forgotten.

The massive conquer the island battles alone, often taking more than 12,sometimes more than 24h were epic for the time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

You can, without much work actually, remove the brain through the cervical hole (the hole the spine is "connected" to)

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