I know multiple women who mainly got themselves a PC to play Sims back in the day and who are now in senior IT roles because once they got the PC they kind of "sticked with it".
That is something we indeed should thank The Sims for.
I know multiple women who mainly got themselves a PC to play Sims back in the day and who are now in senior IT roles because once they got the PC they kind of "sticked with it".
That is something we indeed should thank The Sims for.
Protipp: Es gibt übrigens auch Dienstleister die Briefe direkt drucken, eintüten und versenden,gibt es mittlerweile sogar für Einschreiben Einwurf.
Mein persönlicher Favorit ist LetterXpress,soll aber keine Werbung sein,gibt viele andere die das genauso können.(Wer nicht aus DE kommt/viel woanders hin versendet für den is Superpost vermutlich ganz interessant,die versenden auch direkt woanders hin.)
Der Vorteil der besseren Dienste ist, dass du sie direkt als Druckertreiber einbinden kannst,also aus jeglicher Software direkt drucken kannst.
Das ist schon richtig so - sonst hast du schnell bei aktuellen Ereignissen (siehe: Anschläge/Katastrophen) ein riesen Problem an dem potentiell Menschen sterben können (siehe die Reddit-Boston-Bomber-Geschichte, aber auch div. Fälle bei X, von COVID will ich gar nicht reden...)
Paramedic and former ambulance calltaker: Children, especially that age, were by far my preferred callers. They usually are easy to calm down, they follow commands, they answer questions directly. (e.g. "Does the patient currently have trouble breathing?" - an adult answers "Well,he always had this slight wheezing since he caught the Vietnamese Bubblebuttvirus back in 1972, but it got better in 1992, and then he had...' - a kid simply replies: "he is coughing a lot and breathing like he ran a lot".).
But back to topic: Same age as you were, probably 10. I was a huge fan of the local fire department back then. One day the adult son of my next door neighbour jumped off their roof,easily 8 to 10m. (Mix of suicide and drugs)
I called the ambulance service, specifically asked them if they would send a helicopter (they frequently do around here), rode my bike to their usual landing spot and led the crew to the patient.
..While three adults forgot to call the ambulance or called the police (different number here) or the local hospital (not helpful,they do not operate the ambulances here.
Maybe,just maybe my career as a paramedic was predestined on this faithful day. (Guy made it,btw. But had more success a few years later)
First aid courses at school do have an effect, I cannot recommend them enough,I have countless sucess stories I came in contact with over the years, including a group of three 12 year olds that resuscitated their teacher.
I have a very special set of songs for you:
Now, listen,here is the important part: You do not play all four songs in a row,oh no. You play the first song in a loop for days, every time you go to the loo. Maybe even place a loudspeaker with a motion sensor there.
Then you stop. And once they feel secure again, when they pull out their stupid phones again, then you strike again. With the same song!
Then,after a while you stop again. Wait for a while. Of course, they have learned and then expect the previous song again. But nooo! Another one,not one bit better than the first one.
Break their pooping souls this way!
If you have a proper shoemaker around you: They usually can fix this problem easily.
The problem is to find an proper shoemaker these days.
Not a nurse but a paramedic. Does getting a gun pulled on me by a crackhead count?
Or a guy furiously masturbating in the back of my ambulance?
Homöopathie für Eigenheimbesitzer und Landwirte und eine nette Gelegenheit für Kleinflugzeugpiloten auf Flugstunden zu kommen.
I've seen the aftermath of various larger ones,but that is kind of my job,so it doesn't count.
And I got married on the day on the day my wife's hometown was hit by the Central European summer floods. We didn't notice much, though,thanks to fabulous staff at the venue.
I experienced a few local ones, though - an avalanche, a thunderstorm in the alps that had torrential gusts of 180km/h and killed a few people (and we were in a very exposed spot-that was fucking scary) - one person died a mere 800m away from us (but we didn't know and would not have any means to get there in time anyway, as it was 600m vertical rock between us and he died on the spot).
Old article by someone who seems to be an absolute newbie in that field.
Die Stelle ist übrigens nicht mal besonders unübersichtlich oder so.
Und Helis sind in der Endphase des Anflugs sehr sensibel was seitliche Berührungen angeht - es ist also weit mehr als eine Lapallie.
Maybe more insane would actually cancel out the insanity already existing?
Or do I now sound insane?
Anyway, came for Temple OS as well.