Of course!
I wanted to test whether a cheap piezo buzzer could be used as a crude ultrasound probe. It worked, so I tried to upgrade it into full-blown ultrasound imaging. The third iteration of that did produce an image, using a piezo buzzer cut in sections, a cheap FPGA, a MCU, custom PCB and mostly 3D printed pieces (acoustic lens, etc.). Aside from the expected low resolution, turned out that it wouldn't image anything beyond about 1 cm.
I did make a fourth iteration of the device, much smaller and theoretically much better. But life happened and I never finished the coding part.
Well, one thing I've noticed in most measures that involve mental things (mood, performance...) is that lots of things seem to be cyclical. For example, mood is often alternating (more so in my case), but productivity and burnout also tend to repeat predictably as long as the routine doesn't change.
Also, I'm maximally performant in tasks when most stable (good sleep, moderate mood, medication, no drugs...), but maximally productive when in a better mood.