Reminds me of the time an investigation into a high-profile corruption scandal in Spain revealed the names of those involved, among them "M. Rajoy". There's a running joke that no one knows who might be behind that name, it's a mystery that may never be solved.
Proceeds to ingest my entire stock of dopamine-depleting medication
As a child, running as fast as I could, I didn't see some sort of horizontal metal bar at about my forehead's height. I bounced and fell backwards to the ground.
They count it as Linux, yes!
I wanted to delete all the subfolders in the current directory:
rm -rf ./*
After a few seconds, I realize in horror that I had mistyped the path. Whole system nuked. Had backups though.
"Escanciar" in Spanish means pouring from a height for the purpose of mixing a beverage (usually cider) with air. I suppose it would still be valid if you're pouring a mix from some height.
"Socialism turns out to work pretty well and is beating our ass" --> “Now, no one — certainly not me — is discounting the power of markets,” Sullivan noted at the time. “But in the name of oversimplified market efficiency, a large non-market economy had been integrated into the international economic order in a way that posed considerable challenges.”
Very cool context, thx!
If you can't find a tool, this has worked to some degree for me. Open on e.g. GIMP, scale the images to the desired size in different layers, use perspective transform to align them very precisely, then set layer opacity so that you can merge them down with equal weight on each photo. It's not a really good method, but might do the job. Good luck!
Just applied it. Super cool!