What do you think of my business idea of dogtoys that smell like illegal stuff, so you can train your dog to sniff out things. You have a ball and it smells like cocaine (there is no cocain in there), but you can hide it and train your dog now to sniff out cocaine, just for the fun of it. And there is one, that smells like explosives, one for marijuana, one for meth and so on.
joined 3 days ago
It would be cool to have an adaptive game, that notices the player looks around and walks, dont have to explain that, but maybe I need to... no they picked up the can no need to explain that. Oh, seems like they don't know they need to throw the cable into the puddle to close the circuit to open the door, my time to explain sth.
I like my job
I don't understand why everyone is scared of me
Kinda sad for the people, who were excited :o
What is your favorite color on a car?
We are all time travelers