GRIP Combat Racing. It's one of those racing games where you have to restart a lot, because recovering from a mistake isn't really an option, but it's still super fun.
Yes, I am and before you ask: no, I will not help you fix your grandma's PC.
reeSilva is correct, but for the sake of everyone's sanity: AVOID LINKEDIN AT ALL COSTS. That's where all the self-important and out of touch people hang out and they're the absolute worst.
We still have about 6 years to go, but it's obviously going to be Gollum.
lol, that is so unnecessary.
I haven't read a whole lot, but so far: Madame Bovary. We had to read it in high school, because it was culturally significant and because it caused a large amount of controversy when it came out due to its subject matter. When I was reading it though, it felt like I was reading a literary version of every TV soap opera ever. It was a slog to get through and I was bored and annoyed throughout.
Hm, didn't know about that. By the way, what is the word that is showing up as removed?
Seriously. Didn't they make billions last year? That number should be much, much higher for Zuck & Co. to actually start giving a fuck.
I'm sure it's a very capable email client, but the UI just didn't mesh well with me.
Not really sure. Somebody wire me an obscene amount of money and I'll report back. Probably.
What's wrong with Newpipe?
Is the statement that the dog is chicken?