
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yay, ageism!

TikTok users are pretty evenly spread from age 10 to 50.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks, the vinyl is a little fiddly to work with but it's worth the work for one off pieces.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oof, so the price has gone up but this is what I am using:

Along with this grit:

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Does an old work sock count as a filter? I could use the gasoline though...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Oops, replied to the wrong comment, in actual answer to your question:

I'm using a Cricut vinyl cutter but would never recommend one to anyone, their locked down cloud app is terrible. After I get a stencil cut I stick it down and then mask off the entire rest of the glass with tape. For a blaster I am using a tiny one that looks like an airbrush, it was ~$100CAD on Amazon. I use a pair of old socks as gloves in the side of a big clear plastic tub they keep the grit inside and let the air out! And that's about it, I just blast all the exposed glass until it is frosted, I don't think you can ever blow right through but if I hit one spot for too long there is a step in the glass at the edge of the pattern.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That's a good point, probably made of cadnium glass.


Using a vinyl cutter and mini-sand blaster I made some alternate universe corporate schwag! I like the idea that someone might have swiped these during an interview before both companies had their 'accidents.'

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Valve has been the least shit player in the game distribution ecosystem for decades. Maybe they could lower their cut but the push for Linux compatibility is worth any premium they want to charge.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

In 7 and 8 I really liked the Gnome-like ability to just type the first few letters of a program and hit enter. OpenShell looks like I'm not the only one.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's the combination of suing for sales that do not exist because they choose not to make those sales. I can't type it any slower, man.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Nintendo shouldn't be allowed to litigate against people they accuse of cutting into sales of not-for-sale games. They know there is a demand for their old catalog but do not release it for sale, forcing a market for piracy.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Nintendo has hundred of games that people are willing to pay massively inflated prices to play, but Nintendo would rather sue emulation projects.


// Randomly spawn drops

// Take a random fraction of each cell move it down, or down and to the left or right

// The remainder of the fraction stays where it is

// Subtract a constant small value from all cells to prevent rain from accumulating


I found a box of CD-Roms and floppy disks in my mum's basement and damnit, I want to play them! I could use emulators, DosBox or VMs but it's never quite the same as having the real thing, so between an eBay mobo and a box of old parts I managed to build my new gaming rig to cover 1990-2005.

Its running a P3 at 1GHz, 512MB of ram, and an ATI Xpert98 with 8MB of memory. As I didn't want to run an old IDE drive with a million hours on it, I tried an SATA-IDE adapter, it caused some issues during the install but that just felt like the standard Windows experience.

Though unpopular, I went with ME for 2 reasons, the first was Dos support, the second is that I went from W95 to ME as a kid, 98 wouldn't have felt the same. The install bricked twice with video drivers but I finally got it up and running with the default drivers and an 18" Samsung flat CRT (runs up to 1600x1200 at a nauseating 60hz).

So what were your favorite games from the 90's and early 2000s?


In the ruling, the judges argued the application could not be successful because of a new law, Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023, that the government passed days after the court application was filed last November.



Repaired some broken solder joints, sanded out the biggest scuffs and polished most of the scratches out of the screen. Oh yeah, and the paint job.


So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were “fakes.”

  • Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures.
  • The “legitimate” set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the “fakes” have the metalized filters.
  • Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras.
  • The build quality of the “legitimate” glasses is quite a bit worse than the “fakes” with the two layers of paper being misaligned

So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of “real” glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^

Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing.

So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some ‘real-fake’ glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter?



So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were "fakes."

  • Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures.
  • The "legitimate" set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the "fakes" have the metalized filters.
  • Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras.
  • The build quality of the "legitimate" glasses is quite a bit worse than the "fakes" with the two layers of paper being misaligned

So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of "real" glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^

Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing.

So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some 'real-fake' glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter?



In the ten years since I took this photo the trail has been abandoned and the tree has rotted away.


This will be the only chance I will have to see a total eclipse so I slapped together all the gear I own and made a dry run today. There were some wispy clouds that made things a little soft but it's better than the 400mm I used in 2017.

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