
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

That doesn't tell the whole story, yes, long term you don't actually burn more calories long term by exercising, but it's part of an entire way of life that makes you healthier and you will tend to lose fat.


And studies show that riding an ebike means you are more likely to use it and exercise more, which provides a lot of health benefits, including weight loss.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And the fact that he's a bit all over the place in quality shows that he's trying different things. You know, the opposite of sequels and comic book movies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Yes, because of the way orbits work, you just need to add velocity horizontal to the orbit, which is just as easy going into the sun as out of it.

So a solar sail is just as good both in and out of the sun.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Dude, I'm ON YOUR SIDE. Don't attack me because I'm trying to explain why we're not burning down the capital building.

I WANT there to be big improvements, and yes, I just got back from a trip to Europe and actually sat down and talked to locals over there.

I personally have very good vacation time, comparable to Europe, that I use.

I personally have very good health care, probably better than many areas of Europe. I have used it. I understand the limitations of the various systems and for me, personally, it wouldn't be an advantage to move to most other countries.

There are MANY MANY people in the US that are in my same situation. But I also believe that even one person that doesn't have the same access that I do is one too many, and the US system isn't built to support them.

Me moving to another country will NOT improve my situation, but it will hinder my ability to push for change for the other 300 million.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago (6 children)

When did Rage Against the Machine get so political?

I mean, the machine is just a robot right? Like it's a band about fighting giant angry robots?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Picked up an aeropress and gave this a shot. Was a little more bitter than I expected.

Will try again and change a few things, but I think this is a good starting point.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

If the Republicans didn't win in 1980 we wouldn't have the shitty Reganomics of today, so yeah, it was the most important election (that humanity lost) in history to that point.

If the Republicans didn't win in 2000, then it's arguable that the twin towers wouldn't have been destroyed, creating an excuse for decades of suffering across the globe, so yeah, it was the most important election in history (that we lost) to that point.

If the Republicans didn't win in 2016, then we wouldn't have had the worst supreme court in a century in power, wouldn't have politicized COVID, and would have had much stronger health care. So yeah, it was the most important election in history (that we lost again!) to that point.

If the Republicans weren't consistently horrible and on the verge of power, you'd have a point, but until they're gone, they're a constant threat to the country.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Whoa, really??? I guess I just assumed nothing changed in the last 5 years. I need to look into that.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 days ago (2 children)

GOP is trump now. If he drops out 60% of the Republican voters would just write in ~~Jesus~~Trump anyway.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The Hard Times


Tips to keeping your identity secure, and protecting other members of your community from being accidentally doxxed or forced offline.

Extremely useful, especially for people who coordinate larger protests or online communities.


Neat time lapse video of a bunch of different plants (and fungi) growing from seed to flowering/fruiting.


We planted a variety of plants, at different stages of growth. After a bit of experimentation, cosmos grow extremely well. These were cuttings we put in just a couple weeks ago, and they're already bigger than most of the other plants that have been in there for over a month.

The very young plants did not survive, but the larger ones did. If they're too small, they just get swallowed down into the cups by the bobbing of the water.

Seems like the plants need to be large enough to reach all the way to the bottom of the pots, and still stick out enough.

Going to be interesting to see what it looks like at the end of the season.


The experimental mat has been out for about a week now, but extremely high winds during a storm last night pulled up a corner of the mat spilling out the contents.

Luckily the majority of the plants were able to be saved, so we have one empty spot now.

I added some weights to the four corners to hopefully prevent this from happening again.

This is why we're experimenting! Learning what works and what doesn't with the setup.


Our retention pond in our neighborhood has a lot of algae and problematic plant growth due to the surrounding farms and lawn runoff, so we're experimenting with a floating island to pull nutrients out before they can cause problems. This will also provide some interesting flowering plants, and more fish habitats.

Will be an interesting experiment to see what survives and what does poorly.

Zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, and a few others are in net pots, inserted into cutouts in EVA foam mats.

Design is from:

More reading:



Really important step towards expanding our research on the moon, is creating highly detailed maps of the entire surface.

China is doing some great work on building out infrastructure and studies of the moon. They're the only country that's brought back any moon rocks in decades.

Space Race 3.0 is on, and we'll see how different approaches to the research and manned missions will move forward.

The US is currently building out an extremely upfront cost heavy project, but with a lot of long term benefits.

China is building a more straightforward moon project, but with higher ongoing costs, as much of the infrastructure is disposable (more like Apollo).


There was an issue on Reddit a while back where people would post some hateful stuff, and of course lots of people blocked them.

After a while, anti-trans, racist, and far-right-wing stuff were only seen by non-logged in users, other bigots, or new people, and they weren't getting the downvotes they deserved.

Is this going to be a problem on Lemmy too? I'm worried that if we're all blocking shitty users that we're just hiding the problem from ourselves, not fixing it.

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