
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I only remember doing this with FireWire. Which model supported target disk mode over USB-A?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

AFAIK the athlete never got any results either.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I'd say that big concern is AA missiles falling on Ukraine. It opens a can of worms where technically Polish-operated missile might kill citizens of Ukraine. Nothing is 100% failsafe. They probably need to flash out all possible eventualities and it's not risk-free politically, so it requires someone motivated enough to push the thing through.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The risk is there no mater what Poland does. Russian missiles already fell on Polish land. If russia could do more they'd already do that.

Poland can just declare that they are protecting from stray missiles before they enter their airspace. What are russians going to do? Fire missiles at NATO country? At the very least, they'd just get massive wall of AA along the Polish border shooting down missiles even deeper in Ukraine.

Remember that russia already claimed that there is NATO crew manning the AA systems in Ukraine. Following their propaganda, this would actually be deescalation.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Most of the time when russia successfully (according to russian media) intercepts missile or drone, the falling debris hits the intended target. Perhaps it was surprising that working AA actually leads to different outcomes.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago (4 children)

There were cluster bombs raining on the beach after russian AA shot down one of the rockets. But IIRC that beach was close to the military base, so it was pretty stupid to even go there.

Some people really want that Darwin award.

Plus there's russian propaganda with 100% successful AA and everything being under control with their 3 day special military operation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

What kills Civilization for me is the phase in which I just wait for production or other stat to fill up and there's nothing interesting to do for couple turns.

Civilization Revolution is kind of black sheep of the Civ family, because it's "dumbed down" and "not a true civilization game", but IMO it has much better pacing.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

It's easier to manage/secure since it's essentially just shell scripts

I love the fact that I can't tell whether this is irony or not.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

its only duty will be to spawn other, more restricted processes.

Perhaps I'm misremembering things, but I'm pretty sure the SysVinit didn't run any "more restricted processes". It ran a bunch of bash scripts as root. Said bash scripts were often absolutely terrible.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

The default tier of AWS glacier uses tape, which is why data retrieval takes a few hours from when you submit the request to when you can actually download the data, and costs a lot.

AFAIK Glacier is unlikely to be tape based. A bunch of offline drives is more realistic scenario. But generally it's not public knowledge unless you found some trustworthy source for the tape theory?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

FWIW restic repository format already has two independent implementations. Restic (in Go) and Rustic (Rust), so the chances of both going unmaintained is hopefully pretty low.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Let me be more clear: devs are not required to release binaries at all. Bit they should, if they want their work to be widely used.

Yeah, but that's not there reality of the situation. Docker images is what drives wide adoption. Docker is also great development tool if one needs to test stuff quickly, so the Dockerfile is there from the very beginning and thus providing image is almost for free.

Binaries are more involved because suddenly you have multiple OSes, libc, musl,.. it's not always easy to build statically linked binary (and it's also often bad idea) So it's much less likely to happen. If you tried just running statically linked binary on NixOS, you probably know it's not as simple as chmod a+x.

I also fully agree with you that curl+pipe+bash random stuff should be banned as awful practice and that is much worse than containers in general. But posting instructions on forums and websites is not per se dangerous or a bad practice. Following them blindly is, but there is still people not wearing seatbelts in cars or helmets on bikes, so..

Exactly what I'm saying. People will do stupid stuff and containers have nothing to do with it.

Chmod 777 should be banned in any case, but that steams from containers usage (due to wrongly built images) more than anything else, so I guess you are biting your own cookie here.

Most of the time it's not necessary at all. People just have "allow everything, because I have no idea where the problem could be". Containers frequently run as root, so I'd say the chmod is not necessary.

In a world where containers are the only proposed solution, I believe something will be taken from us all.

I think you mean images not containers? I don't think anything will be taken, image is just easy to provide, if there is no binary provided, there would likely be no binary even without docker.

In fact IIRC this practice of providing binaries is relatively new trend. (Popularized by Go I think) Back in the days you got source code and perhaps Makefile. If you were lucky a debian/src directory with code to build your package. And there was no lack of freedom.

On one hand you complain about docker images making people dumb on another you complain about absence of pre-compiled binary instead of learning how to build stuff you run. A bit of a double standard.

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