Yeah stop using them to manufacture goods sold in the West, see how well they fare...
Fuck his estate.
At least restrict it. A carpenter who made me a chair doesn't get paid every time I rest my derriere on it.
I'd like a telephoto lens on a regular Pixel (not the Pro) and video out.
Blood, blood! Gallons of the stuff!
I utterly adore humans for what they could be, I mean we have the capacity to reach for the stars, literally. But we never will cos in reality we're just too dumb. Peaks are sublime, the average not so much.
You gotta pick your battles.
The majority likes that movie. I guess more power to you.
While I totally agree that audio and visuals are very important to a motion picture, they are not their fulcrum. Motion pictures, like books and theater before em, narrate stories and there's no better way to describe the actors of said stories than with dialogue. The things said, the tone, that's what brings characters to life, that's what I remember and quote. Without them I care for no story cos I relate to no one. I much prefer a well written piece to some visual effects demo reel, that nowadays is easier to make and while I utterly adore Zimmer 's music, in this case I remember no motif, nothing other than blaring horns, sign that even him was not inspired by the movie.
And knowledge is power.