She puts on a good show ... does her promos ... then lambastes Californians because they didn't put out the fire with ocean water. Anyone who said 'Well, duh' to that belongs in her club ... the 'if I can talk really fast I must be smart' club.
For me, any office apps. Never worked in an office, never wanted to. None of that stuff. Even if it's free, if it gets installed with the distro, it's the first thing that gets tossed.
Lucky me, I go to sleep when I'm tired, wake up when I'm not.
Imperialism is different than taking the land outright.
Agreed. But a threat can be the beginning of a negotiation. Historically, the US wants the appearance of sovereignty to remain - even democracy if possible - just keep the right people in power.
That didn't save South America.
I'm going to enjoy that multi-app FX stack.
That's one of the first problems I need solved, so thanks for asking. I used to use pulseEffects to get one place to go for system-wide volume, EQ & compression settings, and want that back.
One of the problems it had was that many FX wouldn't work without having to install a set of non-default libraries, and the available docs weren't too clear on that. Will be visiting Ee docs.
Sleep more. Bathe less. Think of your future self not damning you for over-doing physical stuff. Eat a little more of that sweet crap you're not supposed to. Smile at judgers, not a word, it drives them bats. Avoid credit. Enjoy all those little critters more. Take a longer look at Zen.
So far as I've heard, none of them ever escaped that distant past.
Walking downtown to the movie theatre (back when they were cheap and they didn't arrest parents for letting kids do that) to see first-run science-fiction features on a Saturday holding a bag of popcorn... and getting my money's worth ... and still enjoying them decades later after nuking my own popcorn ...
I'd learn to speak zombie. Doesn't take long, it's mostly throat noises. And walk like a zombie, just pretend a horse kicked you in the ass yesterday.