...where did I say that? I think you might have misunderstood me there - I said that the PCs have plans to go elsewhere, but this is not a change of plans.
Ich halte Imperialismus für grundsätzlich schlecht, auch wenn er mal nicht von den Amerikanern kommt.
Daß viele auf der linken politischen Seite unfähig sind, russischen Imperialismus als solchen zu erkennen, ist für mich unglaublich frustrierend.
Thank you for the alternate suggestions on how to start the campaign, but I am not going to change my setup:
- I realize that "you all meet in a tavern" is a cliche, but it's not actually one I have used before - my last three #DnD campaigns all started with the PCs going through the local immigration offices together, and I wanted to do something different for a change. Besides, I love playing with well-established tropes and see how I can twist them.
- I have already told the player that this is how the campaign is going to start - the PCs have agreed to meet in this tavern because they want to travel to the big city together for their common goal (find out what their magical birthmarks mean). The tavern will serve as the setpiece for their initial meeting where the players can get a feel for each others' characters, and get involved in the local shenanigans (some of which will be relevant for the campaign later on).
So I am not looking for alternatives here, but local color and perhaps some red herrings.
I want them to establish an identity of a group first before they reach the city gates.
Oh, we've already had Session Zero and agreed on the overall campaign premise. This is just the introductory evening before the PCs travel to the Big City for the main campaign.
I've been eyeing krita for fancy brushwork - GIMP is primarily photomanipulation software, and doesn't really hold a candle when it comes to brushes. Have you tried it out?
Handschriftliches Testament ist vielleicht gar nicht so verkehrt. Ich hatte vor ein paar Jahren etwas Familiendrama wegen eines notariell beglaubigten Testaments...
Reminds me of the time when my Ulfen human Skald in the Pathfinder Giantslayer campaign died and was reincarnated by the party druid as an ysoki - more commonly known as "ratfolk".
This was not something he expected, but he reasoned: "I have never been ashamed of who I am for a single day in my life, and I am not going to start now!", and thus he rolled with it and stayed in that form for the rest of the campaign.
Es gibt eigentlich nur zwei Gelegenheiten, bei denen ich mit der Hand schreibe:
- Italienische Vokabeln auf Karteikarten zum Üben
- Korrekturlesen meiner Manuskripte - und selbst das mache ich auf einem e-ink Tablet.
Viele deutsche Medien kommen einfach nicht mit einer faschistischen Machtübernahme in den USA klar.
War ja nur eine "awkward gesture"... 😒
Yeah, it has something of a learning curve, but it is flexible in a way that few other tools can match.