
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 10 months ago

I think Hummus didn't go to war school. They're just regular folk that have been pissed off too much and now want some payback. They're evil and such, they just happen to know nothing about rules of war.

Until recently I, myself a total war removed, did not know that you couldn't use certain weapons. Like nuklier weapons seem generally not an option since the attacker can't even fly away fast enough to leave unscathed. But cluster munitions sound like a reasonable thing to use if you want the best chance at hitting something. However that's illegal to use for whatever reason. But again hummus would use those in a heart beat if they could. What about really powerful lasers, yeah those are illegal too. But for very little money they could be using them to blind the opponent from great distances. Koreans used powerful green lasers to blind security cameras during their protests. And now ruzzia seems to really want to drop a nuke somewhere. Like that's gonna help end the war. Instead doing something like that would force the hand of the US to take the war to moscow in a really shock and awesome fashion. I would expect for absolutely no building to be standing there in just a few hours of constant barrage.

Anyway, just to summarize, hummus has no clue what rules there are about war. And they probably don't care from what we can tell so far.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

All wise, all powerful, just can't handle money!... George Carlin.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

He knows if your fart is good, so fart good for goodness sake!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Something almost exactly like that happened to me. I bought a house so my money wouldn't be stagnant and didn't wanna live away from my parents yet so I rented it. They totally fucked up everything in it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I'm in Washington State so I guess it is everywhere.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I got my ballot this Monday and half of the spots to be voted on had only one candidate.... maybe remove that shit from the ballot and add things like..."would you like Toyota to know where you are when you send emails about your period?" That would be useful.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Double you fucking tee eff? Holybonkerslaw Batman! Now what? Can Motorola take pictures of me while I take a shower watching porn?...err, sending emails?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Friends of Mike Oak.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Biden is president. Things went my way. But let's imagine that this was how you got lunch.

Hmm, Josh! I want a hamburger!... okay buddy I promise I'll bring you a hamburger. I'm just going to be your food delegate in the food acquisition team.

Josh! I want a salad! .. and I want a spoon full of extra virgin olive oil!. Josh I want an apple! Hey Josh can I get some Doritos crushed in a bowl and mixed with jalapeno and chicken nuggets!

Then Josh goes to the big food acquisition meeting... My team wants a spoon full of extra virgin olive oil!

Then you wait half an hour and you get a turkey sandwich but you're vegan so you eat the three onion rings.

70 percent of the office was vegan too, but only 5 of the food delegates were vegan. The other 20 were old timers that have been ordering the food for the past seven years. They like turkey sandwiches. So you get turkey sandwich.

I hope you enjoy your turkey sandwich 🥪. 😂 LOL. At least it wasn't a lump of lard with a tupee.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Came to say this.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 months ago

Newton: "FagMad!"

Coulumb: "Fuckyouare!"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

You know, there was a time when people used to go to sears for the good stuff and to Kmart too. Then they screwed up big enough among their competition and now there may be like one or two of those places still open somewhere behind a MacDonalds on a refurbished MatCo truck that used to be a Taco truck too.

I can't wait for the day Microsoft is finally just some shitty ass UPS truck painted over with their logo still showing a little and three guys in it repairing the last known laptops to ever run windows. I'd adopt a dog just to walk him by and let him pee on the tires.

Microsoft, you've done everyone wrong too many times one last time.


Look at that shit! Before it was here are your two browsers choose! Now it' about for the letter A? Suppose a website starts with an A, would you choose Edge to be your default browser?... then you choose chrome or Firefox, and when you click on a link Edge Pops up with some shit like...Are you really sure you wanna use Firefox to view websites that start with the letter A?

Fuck Microsoft! Give us a fucking break you assholes! You are this turd of a company that is just stuck to company's assholes and that's the only reason any fly will ever touch your software.


I started digging into opensource password managers and found that they all suck major ball sack. I ended up picking nothing. My two runner-ups were bitwarden. It works on Linux, Android, whatever apple's shit runs on, and even runs on PC's with the OS that you usually delete first thing. But the major drawback is that I can't trust it. It's got a "premium" version, and that has always meant a slow steady spiral into "you must pay now that we have you by the balls" situation. Another drawback is that it's centralized, kill the company and so go your passwords I suppose.

The other runner up is called liso. This one comes with two major drawbacks. One is that is browser only so far. The other one is that it doesn't work on Linux yet. Such a shit shit option. Everything else out there wants you to pay for encryption.

I did end up learning about pass on Linux. It creates encrypted passwords and there's some compatibility with guis and maybe available on Android??? Big question mark. I've tried nothing yet. My password list seems to grow daily.

So what's your favorite one?

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