Of course I don't think manga is bad, literature Is literature after all. As I said, it's just that the interest in the material Is filtered through an appreciation of formerly consumed visual media, and even then It remains "an interest", rather than something they actively look for. Monetary factors have also to be looked in: not every country can afford to print out Shonen Jump.
As a teacher in lower secondary school, kids don't do any of that. They read physical media sporadically, and the main kind of digital media they consume is through IG and TikTok, furtherly filtered by the algorithm to appeal to their interest. The only kind of excitement I see in their eyes when talking reading is when talking manga, but even then it's mostly because they got there through anime (dubbed, so not even with subs) first. Kids don't read half as often as we did twenty years ago, and teachers get the blame for trying to push some sense in them through lecture.
Please do yourself a favor and read the original graphic novel this slop Is based upon. McGuire's Here is stunning, innovative, incredible and imaginative. Which makes me even mas when thinking it's being turned into a movie.
Luigi / Duck Hunt. What the hell does that mean?
I believe it's either The Blues Brothers or 2001.
Durov has been blacklisted in Russia because he refused to cooperate with Putin's government on several occasions.
in defense of Matt and Trey, they did apologize on the ManBearPig thing. And it's not like their depiction of Trump is very flattering, either...
I don't think Grohl has played for QotSA in well over a decade now. Their current drummer is Jon Theodore of Mars Volta fame, iirc.
taught me once and for all that while death might be always near, a fear that's constantly devouring our lives and paralysing them to the point where it feels like our deepest, inner self is a husk shell of what we once were, we can still find the reason of our existence in the joys of living a life that's devoted in equal part to mystery, sensuality, knowledge and wonder. And it says this in the most democratic way you could think: everyone is entitled and deserving of the complexity of life. Oh, and also: it's an absolutely hilarious book to read through.
never found Joyce to be pretentious (the man knew what he was doing, and definitely succeeded in doing so) or obtuse (I mean, how many writers you can think of that could pull out the mastery of language and human sensibility out of nowhere like he does). I might be biased because I believe Ulysses saved my life: it's definitely one of the funniest, most touching, humane books I have ever had the pleasure to read. I'd push Ogre to keep up with the good work.
Knight moves to C-2, black responds by expanding the chessboard with rook to H11.
Ehhh, while it's true that some vids nowadays have captions, this isn't always the case. Plus, consider that a lot of content on the internet isn't necessarily in the language Kids think in (when they don't come from anglo-speaking countries). And, once again anecdotal experience but I have to factor that in, "digital natives" don't seem to communicate in written form as much as we do. Blame voice messages, I guess.