Blatantly cherry picking lol, your claims are baseless. Get a life.
You are wrong, the article you mention states "According to the report, the Romanian tax agency found that the Liberals had paid for a social media campaign on TikTok through influencers and by promoting a hashtag which ended up being hijacked to benefit Georgescu instead." It has been proven that his TikTok campaign wasn't organic while he declared not paying for it. The fact that the liberals where the first to use a certain hashtag doesn't mean they were involved in his campaign. He is still under investigation. Do you have any sources backing up your claim it wasn't Russia? Politico doesn't mention it. For others interested in reading more, here's an explainer by Reuters:
It's because there is not enough tariffs in place.
I have seen too many videos of small monkeys and big apes throwing their dong to agree with your paper ball theory. Also frogs don't throw balls but are great at catching insects, a lot of other animals have great spatial awareness when it comes to hunting prey. But tbh, I doubt wether they could grasp the concept of a box going up and down like humans do.
Have seen too many videos of dogs trying to take long sticks through narrow doors to disagree with you there though. Personally I think dogs are just not that smart after all that (in)breeding we did. I'm not calling dogs stupid, don't want the world to dislike me.
But only after it no longer was 'allegedly' if I understand correctly.
The biggest party in the Netherlands is called the freedom party, their mainly anti-immigrant and against the freedom of religion and the freedom of education. Totally agree they're great at marketing (though it's more about being loud and talking about social problems than it is about having ideas of how to solve them). They're considered to be far-right populist, their leader (Geert Wilders) is aligned with Marine Le Pen and Georgia Meloni. The left has lost their working class-base traditional base to them because of them being more relatable (and less high-brow) than the labour party, the socialists and the greens.
Yes but 50.000 × 2 = 100.000, large numbers get confusing without dots
For the people on the streets it doesn't change anything, but it's weird how little blame Erdogan is getting here.
What if the plot isn't about locking up the opposition leader, but about luring out his most vocal supporters? It is much easier to keep anonymous civilians in jail, as opposed to the leader of a movement. I feel like just locking up Imoglu is just too stupid a move to make.
Sometimes now before i finished reading the headline I assume it must be from the onion or some other satire source, and until a second later i see it is just real news. The world got so unpredictable lately.
For anyone who'd like a more substantial argument: A Guide to Trump’s Fascist Presidency — From Ignoring Judge to Erasing History