Ah, sorry, now I get it! I didn't read properly. And using KDE Activities would be a bit to overkill perhaps.
I did. I wanted more. I wanted ln -sf
Why over-complicated? I'm genuinely curious, as I think it sounds pretty cool that you can install apps from different package managers in containers, but export them to use them in your main environment.
Theming, controlled one central place.
This goes for both Gnome (GTK, Qt, Gnome Shell) and Sway (GTK, Qt, Sway, Rofi, Waybar...)
Sway allows you to assign apps to workspaces.
Vanilla OS 2 Orchid sounds very interesting, I think. It's in alpha now. Have a read about their package manager - it's kinda meta, allowing you to use other package managers in parallel.
Try the VanillaOS 2.0 alpha?
Any text editor and a sheet of paper saying
Please type your name and press Enter
Maybe Vim so noone quits it by accident.
Ok, thank you. I'm an idiot. I added the Nova search bar and searched its settings.
How do you set up a Firefox search bar, if you don't mind?
keyd is amazing, wonderful, easy, feature-rich, and an absolutely awesome gateway drug to the addiction of perfecting your keymap!
Warmly recommended!
Also, well-supported by kind people :)