Corrected archive link - OP's is missing a character so it's not working
Can't believe you forgot the usage limits on how many tweets you can view and how many DMs you can send. I think some of those might have been walked back, but I know people who were holding back from discord because twitter DMs were enough that now rarely go there.
Also all sorts of API functionality has been killed off - embeds, RSS, bots, etc
Source for fun. Japanese people discussing their favorite countries. The woman in OP is discussing Belgium!
Being horny is harmless and fun. There would be a lot more chill in the world if people would stop being so wound up about it.
Do you not know that actual news clips from actual news outfits get posted on youtube sometimes
You'll be okay. We all have our pet peeves, and none of us can expect the world to abide by them.
The key word is "disorder" though.
Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, just like everyone has minor bouts of depression or invasive compulsions. Some non-disordered might even still experience them often.
Not everyone experiences these feelings pervasively to a degree it prevents them from socioeconomic success (making friends, going outside, finding and keeping a job, etc).
Hey man, as long as you had fun.
People see it as a way to spread awareness about the fediverse alternatives that are out there. Like "hey, if you like this, there's more where that came from." It's not for viewers who are already here, but for those where the post inevitably travels.
I dunno. Both watermarking and being annoyed at the watermarks seem like a waste of energy to me. If people are going to generate content, I'm not going to sass them about how unless it makes something about the content worse (harder to read etc).
It's like using a very fine-grit sandpaper on your legs, so if that's what you were imagining... yes? Maybe? You basically slowly buff off the hair.
How does the change do nothing to combat those interactions when they fall under the $1 sub requirement? The idea is that allegedly bots won't pay, so they won't be able to do those actions anymore.