Same — I have a disabling illness which means I’m bedridden for life — so all I get to do is imagine what I would do if I were abled, instead of actually doing it.
joined 3 days ago
Love Sex Dreams
That’s the most Swiss german thing ever. MSG galore.
As a swiss person “Hershey” is not choclate — it is a candy.
Interesting! Do you have a link to the original study by any chance?
Nah they used a leeching client. No upload at all.
I liked it but as someone who was abused by a therapist — man the fact every show is trying to be “therapy positive” is really meaning I have PTSD when watching most TV shows now, it sucks.
Not really, it’s somewhere between alcohol and nicotine in terms of addictivness. Slightly more than alcohol, slightly less than nicotine.
Is cocaine legal in Colombia?
Yes, this is why I made it, I saw like 5 posts I wanted to reply to with this — but wanted to emphasise it’s not just a race thing, but any sort of non-white christian able bodied male, human diversity.