People wear shirts they don’t know much about because they like the color, fit, and/or design. Pretty simple.
My husband is like this, just buys shirts if he likes the color, fit, and/or design. Doesnt care what the subject is. He’s never been interrogated about how much he knows about them
Can you mention some kinds of charity that dont involve increased responsibility? I would like to help people more but don’t feel I have room in my life for more responsibility rn
I require the dulcet tones of Fran Fine thank you very much
Depends who you ask. Less than 600 at experian, over 750 at equifax. Of course the one everyone uses to give out loans is the shit score 🫠
I’ve had medical debt for a long time. Only recently finished school, got a stable career, and felt responsible enough for a credit card. I’m doing great now but have only been at it a few months.
imagine trusting russian polls lol
she grimaced?
My favorite interaction was on a college campus. They had set up a table and were telling every passerby “Jesus loves you!” So I cheerfully returned “and Allah loves you!”
I will forever cherish the physical recoil and look of revulsion that crossed their faces. I’m an atheist, for context
this some bass (bAYse) vs bass (bASS) shit
I had to reset my keyboard once or twice a month for a while. Finally turned it off because it kept learning that words i often started sentences with should always be capitalized, even in the middle of a sentence. Spent a few weeks constantly correcting my spelling because i had grown heavily dependent on autocorrect, but it was worth it
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt