That depends on people's perception of the GDPR, rather than it's actual effects.
That's disingenuous. We have a lot of regulation that improves people's lives but isn't well-regarded due to politicial campaigns, or in the case of GDPR, malicious compliance [1].
At the same time: Even if a con man tells you that anti-con-men legislation is bad, and even if they're successful at convincing you of that — that doesn't change the reality that legislation against con men is probably a good thing and helps you.
Thanks for backing me up on this.
Ok, so I actually previously read too little of the discussion to participate competently. I missed was that you moved the goal posts: The poster above you mentioned that due to GDPR, people's personal data couldn't freely be shared around the world. That was the point and psychological manipulation was only mentioned to illustrate an end goal.
[1] I.e. it's totally possible to run GDPR-compliant site without a cookie banner, except corporate interests don't want that. Instead they'd rather harvest all the data they can and blame the inconvenience of the cookie banner on. GDPR
Und mit "Anwalt" meinst du "Staatsanwalt", oder?
Freebird Airlines
"Luckily," one of Project 2025's pillars is removing career public servants with a spine and replacing them with MAGA loyalists.
And this is already happening: last time I checked 75k public servants had agreed to the layoff "offer" from the Fork in the Road mail. On the other hand, the Project 2025 people have been selecting a queue of new people via their own process since the latter half of last year. And of course, all the most important leading positions have already been replaced.
The US government is attempting a coup right now: Rolling back democracy, weakening US influence around the world to leave vast power vacuums, weakening the US internally, accelerating environmental breakdown, and clearing the path for wholesale privatization of the country.
I would still put some trust in civil society, in the judicial system and in state/city governments, but the federal government is completely corrupted.
I wonder how many people see it that way.
How it is viewed is not the point. The question is whether it helps people.
It has nothing to say about psychological manipulation.
The DSA regulates dark patterns:
As an aside: Researchin' the GPTs be loik
History rhymes sometimes, sure. But consciously helping send humanity into a darker age even though the arrival of said darker age is absolutely not a predetermined thing seems like a terrible idea. "We need to do something bad now, because there are 80-year cycles for bad things and 80 years since WWII is over" is just a sorry, bullshit excuse.
At least one of the lines "wir waren halt vorher viel zu lang ein Staatsbetrieb" ("we were a state-owned company for far too long before that") is something nobody would say anymore, given how obvious it is that the "privatization" just made service worse.