They basically did. I bet they just used an ORM in the backed and then pointed the API endpoint to the user entity without filtering the fields. This results in a dump of the user table (although row by row indexed by users instead of a full dump)
Not a fever dream, I remember this, too. You basically got a "transparent" image through which you could see the rendered live (or game, as it happened with those, too). As soon as you closed the video player/game, or saved and reloaded the image, the effect was gone and you were stuck with a... I think it was just a black image?
Ich war auch "auf'm Dorf" - kleine Karnevalshochburg, die den mit Abstand größten und besten Umzug im Umkreis bietet. Der ganze Ort ist abgesperrt und mehrere Tage Straßenkarneval - quasi wie "Köln aufm Dorf". Viel Ballermann und Sauflieder, etc. Immer sehr spaßig die letzten Jahre.
Auch wenn viele Traditionen dort hochgehalten werden und der dortige Landkreis recht schwarz-blau lastig ist - nur ein einziger Wagen hatte eine direkte Referenz zu den Bauernprotesten ("Ohne Landwirte keine Karnevalsumzüge") und ein weiterer hatte einen Seitenhieb auf die Subventionskürzungen, aber immerhin mit einem Augenzwinkern und gut umgesetzt. Ich hatte da "mehr" erwartet und war positiv überrascht, dass man sich hier zurückgehalten hat.
(I'm not the person you replied to)
I'm unsure, I use both. In theory it should wear out less, since you're loading slower and with less current. In practice it generates heat and this gets generated in the coils that are right near or on the battery, which then again causes wear... I'm not sure which effect is stronger, or whether it's a trade-off and doesn't do much of a difference.
Hmmmm I didn't know that, every comment that I read, didn't mention this fact. I'm running my own Searxng instance and Meta engines can be quite powerful, especially when you can adjust them a bit and filter out what you consider "spam" results (e.g. pinterest)
I'd pay for independent, non meta, ad-free search.
Haven't tested it yet, but have seen it mentioned several times here on Lemmy:
I was wondering the same, but I didn't find any information on how it builds the search index. I guess it takes quite a while until it's usable. Also, it might be very dependent on the speed if the internet connection and also the available storage.
Hey, who turned off the light?
Are you my mommy?
I really liked the toymaker. I generally love surreal moments and environments and e.g. the "labyrinth" they were trapped in (and the scene where he is a giant puppeteer in the sky) was cool. But besides that I just love the mixture of dread, British humor and (almost) every situation beeing just over the top silly
When they switched to Disney Plus, was it just licensed out, or is Disney (partly) producing it now?
That song in the fourth special felt so Disney like (and it's lit af)
I had one group project for an arts and media class, where I feared, that I'd be the one who'd have to do all the work alone. It got assigned on the one day when I was sick and when I came in the next day, every group and task was assigned and I was left to team up with that one guy that everyone didn't want in their team, as everyone knew he'd do nothing.
On that day I managed to plan out the project with him and assign all task (while silently trying to keep the scope in a way, that I should be able to do everything alone, if he failed his tasks). I knew he was a huge Star Trek fan, so keeping that as the theme for the project and making a small Star Trek "parody" helped to keep him on board. But after that first day? As expected - nothing. He didn't talk to me, didn't do any tasks, basically ignored me. So I made some small changes and had to complete the project alone.
In the end, I even did the presentation alone, as my team mate was missing some classes as usual. The teacher came to me, said he knew I did almost everything alone and was impressed by the scope of what I still managed to complete.
Grades in these classes worked like this: You get a score between 0 and 15 points. 15 is best, 0 is worst. You failed the class, when your average rating was lower than 5 points at the end. The teacher said, that this project would be 14 points for each of us, but *hint* *hint* that I was free to distribute the points between us, as I saw fitting for the worke done. I had to distribute all 28 points between us and *hint* *hint* if I were to assign more than 15 points to a person those were valid, but capped at 15 for the calculation of the final grade.
Guess who got 28 points for this project.
IMHO a fair way to grade group projects, as long as you're keeping an eye on the discussion on why/how to distribute points, so that it yields fair results.
Back then, there was less hardware acceleration for the regular desktop stuff. Probably it just copied the data from the software rendering, and there it just defined that this part of the screen was hardware accelerated and this region pointed to vram instead of regular RAM.