
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Isn't that the guy who invented Lemmy? Reminds me of TG's founder doing the same.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Not going to work without full KYC/AML compliance. Which negates the whole point of using Proton to begin with.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

They probably started with BTC because the majority of the world believes that it's private (we know it's easily traceable). Bring in the new users!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

"Sway the election and change the country" is a ridiculous sensationalist headline as if every Rep/Dem/Ind./activists/political group in the country isn't trying to do the same thing, regardless of their place on the spectrum.

I'd be much more wary of the RNC and DNC than some rich guys who made their own group with a super-cool name.

Until money is limited in the political game, nothing will ever really change. Hell, we still argue about things that happened a hundred years ago. We still go back and forth over the same issues to which we all could have found compromises.

But being too busy saying "I'm right and you're wrong" is why America is rapidly falling behind.

I just want people to see that every "side" does the same thing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Use exact change?

If we're going cash only, I'm bringing those coins too.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (5 children)

They have paper and pens that they can track their transactions until the system is fixed.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I remember years ago when they said the value of our lives would be determined by a panel of people.

Now its by a machine.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago (5 children)

[Loud spinning tire sounds]


The Earth is round to keep you from walking out of the simulator. If it was flat, there'd be a door or something.


So, this may be G-custom OS specific, or Android generally.

I was looking through the security settings, and when going to Settings-Security-More-Encryption and Credentials, I see that there are a plethora of CA Root certs installed. I recognize some (Digicert, Comodo, etc), but there are a lot that are just numbers and letters, and some from Beijing China, etc.

I don't recall ever installing ANY certs, so I suppose these are all preinstalled (they show under the System tab, not the User tab.)

Can they be installed by regular apps?

I disabled any that weren't recognizable like Amazon, Google, Digicert, and Comodo.

Are these dozens of other Certs necessary, and are they safe to be on my device? Are they preinstalled with G-Custom OS, or did they somehow sneak into my system settings?

I have too much to do a factory reset at this point and it would only be a last resort.

I also have Mullvad, Proton, and a personal WG vps on my phone, would those add certs to the "storage"?

I know I named brands in here but I'm not promoting anything, I don't want to break something making changes, that's all.

Thanks in advance.


I want to know what was running through the mind of the first guy who thought up mummies. Some guy just came along and said "You know what we need? Dead bodies to last longer! C'mon, who's with me?”

We might need them to still look good in case they DO reanimate, or maybe Picture Day in the afterlife?

I wonder how much time it took from the proof of concept to the first successful mummification? Trial and error and such. And how did they quantify a success? Dig them up every year to check?


Chromium (Cromite) - no sync of any kind. Otherwise, no complaints except the menu item bloat.

FF Stable - no about:config, comes with a ton of things that need turned off.

FF Beta/Nightly/Mull - has FFSync, but missing Chrome's rotate-to-fullscreen functionality.

All Android Browsers - too many menu items.

FF: Customize, What's New, Help, Addons should all be under Settings. Chromium also has full menu that mostly is never used. View Source on a mobile browser...really why?

It doesnt make much sense to have a movable toolbar if you still have to use both hands to get to the bookmarks button/menu. I'd be happy with either an organized, uncluttered menu, or one where certain items could be hidden/removed from the main menu.

Brave - I wish I could stick with them. Everything works and they have it all. Full non-Google sync, better video playback control, nicer UI, dual toolbars. I just can't with the way they operate, adding bad features and then saying oops every time.

How do we get the perfect browser?

In my mind, it looks like Cromite, has the internals of FF (gecko engine), FOSS, can rotate the phone into full screen video, with sync implemented. And of course all privacy settings setup like Mull.

Anyone else spot this unicorn?

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